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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. 1 hour ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    LOL I was wondering if this show was as terrible as it looked from the previews.... 

    Just from the previews it seems like they are acting like Austin is some sort of hick boom town or something?  The vibe seems very early-80s-Houston-via-Urban Cowboy?

    Should I watch for all of the unintentional lulz?

    This is the only reason you should watch.

  2. 8 hours ago, crash_davis said:


    Our first house had a ridiculous HOA. Right after we moved in we got a notice that the grass needed to be cut and a deadline by which it had to be done. Couple of days later, before the deadline, we got a certified letter from the HOA lawyers saying we were being fined for non-compliance. Besides the fact that they ignored their own deadline, the letter was riddled with spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. I had a few rum and cokes, took out my red pen (editing is part of my day job) and marked up the letter, then mailed it back to them. We had a lot of run-ins with the HOA over the 11 years we lived there, but never heard anything else from them over that particular issue.

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  3. Got Rocket's x-rays today. In case y'all ever wondered what severe bilateral hip dysplasia in canines looks like, here you go. The top one is normal for comparison. You can see in the bottom left how there is no joint at all - the femur is "floating" and the hip socket is almost flat. It's slightly more concave on the right but still relatively flat. The heads of both femurs are also deformed, although that's harder to tell if you don't usually look at x-rays of dog femurs.

    The good news is that he really doesn't seem like he knows anything is wrong. Still just being a giant puppy.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. 4 hours ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    Yea, I think that scorched tank gives you an idea how close they were to a much worse disaster and probably explains the mandatory evacs. 

    Also, two mutual friends with your dad's friend. Both high school classmates from TJ. 

    Good old small world of southeast TX. 

    1 hour ago, futureman said:

    have seen this stated many times in this thread.  how big of a boom are we talking.  fertilizer plant in west sized boom?  bigger boom?

    I'm 38 and I don't ever remember an evacuation like this one due to plant explosion concerns. I think there was also concern of a possible chain reaction happening, because there are so many plants so close to each other.

  5. 3 hours ago, Doc Reeves said:

    I would thumb thru the Sun. But if articles don't come up for you in search there's a chance they took them down until the lawsuit with MM is settled. The real issue here is this is a soap opera created by the editors of these tabloids some with personal vendettas against the Royals. Some Brits just hate all royals but most don't give a shit other than entertainment. By reporting these tensions and embarrassing episodes it creates clicks. So MM is acting like a polite American, but at 'brat' in terms of Aristocracy. They pump it up, over blow it and poke her until she does something they can pounce on. 




    Look, I'm sure she's acted snotty to someone at some point but using the Sun as your source of evidence for proving someone's character is ridiculous. Of course every tabloid out there is going to make drama. "Harry's wife is amazing!" is not a headline that sells.

    Besides all this, most of y'all are acting like this whole thing was Meghan's idea when even a cursory glance through the tubes shows that Harry has never been completely on board with living the life of a royal. He didn't ask for it, and for everyone's comments about how she needs to deal because she knew what she was getting into, Harry didn't. The heir and the spare, and all that. Being with an American gives him a perfect excuse to back out of some of the limelight.

    I don't know, I just can't get up in arms about someone wanting to do their own thing and leave the family business. And to that point, to those saying you can't be a duke part-time, it would be SO MUCH WORSE if they actually gave up their titles. Ever since Diana, the British monarchy has been slowly moving away from tradition. This whole thing looks to me like another example of that.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Doc Reeves said:


    That? Well, that specifically doesn't. 

    Her being a horrible person to everyone who she sees as lower than her makes her that.


    Seriously, where are you seeing what a horrible person she is everyone she sees as beneath her?

  7. 15 minutes ago, Doc Reeves said:

    This is the price of being a Monarch, which is a archaic and sexist principal in it of itself. Quite frankly if she wasn't up for the job she shouldn't have applied. 

    But this is the game, she is truly meaningless in all of this. This is the Prince taking someone he knows will piss off his parents whom he will never be able to please. Shes just a pawn and is being treated as such.

    How does any of this make her an insufferable cunt?

  8. 31 minutes ago, Doc Reeves said:

    Also, Megan is a completely insufferable cunt who hasn't earned and doesn't deserve her wealth while looking down her nose at peple despite having almost no actual accomplishments to her name. 


    She should be absolutely perfect for America 

    Jesus. I know we joke about celebrities, but an "insufferable cunt who hasn't earned and doesn't deserve her wealth"? Why do you think this? I mean, she's no Oscar winner but she's worth about $5M on her own from various acting gigs. She was raised by a single mom and has a degree from Northwestern. She's spoken out for years (much longer than she's been with Harry and well before she was famous) about gender equality and women's rights - look at this article about how she was profiled on a kids' news channel as a child. 

    Along with their standard vitriolic treatment of celebrities they don't like, the British tabloid press has been unabashedly racist in much of their coverage of her. Look at this Daily Mail article as one example, from when they had just started dating. I mean, this is just the headline:


    EXCLUSIVE: Harry's girl is (almost) straight outta Compton: Gang-scarred home of her mother revealed - so will he be dropping by for tea?

    Just looking at this thread there's a lot of evidence why their decision to step back and spend half their time in North America isn't just to be celebrities here. Her mom lives here and they have a baby who, I'm guessing, they don't want raised where all he's going to hear is how his mom is a money-grubbing whore who only cares about wealth and fame. 

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