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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Rocket's back living that cone-free life, at least till it's time to operate on the next hip. He's recovering really well, considering he had part of his femur removed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Last weekend at Jason's Deli I saw a kid pick up a salad bar plate, lick it, use tongs to get a bunch of shredded cheese and put that on his plate, glance at his mother next to him to make sure she wasn't looking, then ditch the tongs to stick his hand in the shredded cheese and put more on his plate. So that's how we're all going to get coronavirus.
  3. I keep going back to this. Makes me laugh every time.
  4. I may be in a cone but Edgar will get this caterpillar over my dead body. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. It's definitely easier to eat without the cone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. We tried the donut the last time he needed a cone and it deflated within a couple of hours. Had better luck with the soft cone but I think it will be too short for where his incision is this time. I wish we could get away with something smaller than the regular e-collar, though. Our house isn't big and he whacks it into everything just trying to get around.
  7. Rocket had the first of two femoral head ostectomies yesterday. This one was on the worst side, the one where his hip was basically permanently dislocated because the joint was nonexistent. He's grumpy but less about pain and more because he can't jump on Edgar and keeps wacking into everything with the cone. They'll operate on the other side in a few months once this side is healed up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I've read both 'Salem's Lot and The Stand. About an hour and some change into the Gunslinger, I tabled it and am relistening to The Stand. Hard to pass judgement without finishing it, but that first hour was hot garbage. I tried several times to read The Gunslinger and have never been able to get into it. And I'm a well-documented fan of most of King's work, and The Stand is one of my favorite books ever. This one just didn't sit right with me.
  9. Don't know this one, but was it done by the guy who did The Lobster? Because it sounds like him.
  10. Agree completely. I was expecting it to be one thing and it took a completely different turn. It has to win Best International Film tonight.
  11. It's not going to be easy with this big gangly pissflap who moves like…hey, what do you move like? I move as slowly as a Mississippi detective investigating the murder of a young black man, sir.
  12. The yoga Instagram girl falling off a balcony while filming herself trying to do a stupid stunt is the most Austin thing I've seen so far on this show.
  13. I had to stop watching during the eating contest scene. For so. many. reasons.
  14. If someone said to me, "Austingirl, give me the best example you can think of of the most Surly/Shaggy way to derail a thread," it would definitely be someone (presumably) accidentally posting a link to besthugecocks.com in a thread where everyone is mourning a beloved dead celebrity.
  15. LOL I guess it isn't an inside joke. Funniest thing I've seen in a loooong time.
  16. I was coming to post the Texas Monthly article and paused to scan the comments first. Look who has an opinion! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. So do you offer classes on headline/thread title writing? Because this one checks all the boxes. Great work.
  18. Are you from there or do you live in the area?
  19. Rocket had his surgery consult yesterday. He definitely needs surgery on both hips but the surgeon thinks he is a good candidate for either a full hip replacement or a procedure called a femoral head ostectomy, which is much less invasive and will still relieve his pain and allow him to run around like a normal dog. FHO also has a significantly shorter recovery time (~3-4 weeks compared to 3 months). We're going with that one, and he'll have the first side done within the next 2-3 months. It's nice to think that we're close to getting him some relief! Has anyone had experience with Central Texas Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Hospital? Dr. Kerpsack will do the operation.
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