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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. On 1/7/2020 at 5:21 PM, Deej said:

    Keep her low key well after it heals and she gets the strength back in that leg. A lot of times they'll blow out the other side. Ask me how I know.


    On 1/6/2020 at 9:45 PM, wild_turkey said:

    Meanwhile, our golden retriever, Nora, had a complete tear of her cranial cruciate ligament on her back right leg in early December. She could no longer put any weight on the leg and she had surgery on Dec 23. She is healing okay but it’s way too early to know if the surgery was successful and the total recovery time is 3+ months. That means she has to be locked in a bathroom 90% of the time and kept on a leash at all times, including going to the bathroom. Not the most fun experience for her or us, but hopefully it pays off in a few months.


    I hope she feels better soon. I will be hitting y'all up for long-term surgical recovery tips here shortly.

  2. 8 hours ago, baboso said:

    That chick must have God pussy.


    8 hours ago, Dutch said:


    Her: "Honey, I want you to give up your royal family and your princely life so we can move to LA so I can run a fashion line and be the Kardashians without the sex tapes* and maybe make a tv show every now and then."

    Him: "Ok."

    #Undefeated. Even a prince can't defeat it.

    *that we know of


    7 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    I agree on the hotness. I’m holding with he’s always wanted out and she’s the perfect escape 

    This may be the craziest thing I've ever posted but hear me out: Maybe her looks aren't the only thing he's interested in.

    • Like 2
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  3. This sweet boy, Rocket, had x-rays today. The vet said he has "the worst case of hip dysplasia" she's ever seen. On one side, the ball of his femur is only barely in the hip socket, and on the other, the hip socket isn't formed like it should be. Or something along those lines. He just turned one at the end of November and this is about the age they usually diagnose it. We knew it was a possibility but I was not expecting it to be this bad.

    The better news is that he can live a pretty normal life if he has major hip surgery. We are consulting with a vet orthopedic surgeon next week to figure it out. And besides walking janky and being slow to stand up, he's acting normal. She said they get used to the pain since it's normal to them, which I guess is a good thing but is still sad. He does have pain meds now.

    Cross your fingers that our pet insurance helps with the cost. The policy doesn't specifically exclude hip dysplasia and doesn't have a waiting period, but I'm worried they'll find some loophole to get out of it. Either way we'll do surgery if that's what the doc recommends. I've spent money on much less worthy causes.413ddf60cd4cd05bf52a43fa323f9c91.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    • Like 3
  4. My favorite part is how Buckingham Palace had no idea. I'm pretty sure "the Palace is understood to be disappointed" is the British way of saying "The Queen is going to put out a hit on Meghan and then shit on her grave."

    I don't follow the royals closely but even at a glance it's obvious that the British press has been brutal to her, and it's gotten even worse since this announcement. Who can blame them for wanting to back out of the limelight? And it's not like they are giving up their titles or anything. They're still going to do stuff for the queen; just not as much. Everyone across the pond needs to take it down a notch.

    • Like 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, Telegraph_it said:



    I know this is beside the point but I really hate that news outlets distribute stuff that's unconfirmed. Especially in situations like this. And I understand why they feel they have to (sometimes) but it just muddies everything up. Anyway. I'm going to go read the dog thread now and try not to think about all this.

  6. 3 hours ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    They have to be using different units of measurement, right? Whatever it is at today and yesterday, it is fucking killing me. One would think that after 37 years of living in the area, you would build up a tolerance but it just seems to be getting worse every year. 


    36 minutes ago, miguelito said:

    None of the counts ever have a unit/label.  I think the standard is grams (or grains) per cubic meter.  If this were a school project, the weather people would get points deducted for not showing the units. 

    Of course, one time I got in trouble for showing my unit, but that's a story for another time.

    KXAN may not always put the unit in their charts but they specify it in their writeups. This is from today.



    Our allergy expert partners at Allergy & Asthma Center of Georgetown counted 27,639 grains per cubic meter of air Monday morning. That is among the highest counts in the Austin metro area since 32,000 grains were measured in the mid-1990s. The previous highest count so far this winter was close to 3,800 grains per cubic meter.

    Tuesday morning’s count shows another rare reading of 21,058 grains per cubic meter of air.



  7. 8 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Is that the thing where you literally suck the boogers out with your mouth? Cuz we have that thing. Far superior to bulb. He's on baby vicks train too. 

    I flew to Raleigh today for work and my God no pollen it's amazing. 

    Yep, that's the one. 

  8. On 1/5/2020 at 5:05 PM, immamac said:

    My new infant is getting fucked by pollen. Poor guy can't clear his own nose yet we are having to suck his boogers out once ever 2-3 hours. 

    Baby Vicks is good stuff. Also, check out the Nosefrida for clearing his nose. It's far better than the bulb suction thing.

    For adults, if y'all haven't used the Puffs tissues that have Vicks in them, definitely get some. They are a godsend.

  9. 2 hours ago, miguelito said:

    You arrogant ass - you've killed us!

    28,160 today.


    And with a front coming in tomorrow, and no real rain in sight, we're going to have high counts for a while.  I've been keeping a total count (every day added up) for the last 4 seasons, and we're only about 76,000 particles behind the 2017-2018 season, which was the highest total in that span.  And we're about 8,000 behind a running average of the 4 years.  So this is certainly a worse than normal season.  El Nino?  La Nina?  El Chupacabra?


    19 hours ago, Nonbryan said:

    It feels like it is at least 27,000 out there

    KXAN home page today. FML.


  10. One of my college roommates was from Clarksville. She grew up dirt poor with a really crappy home life (which, from what she said, was par for the course for almost everyone there) but ended up with a scholarship to UT and eventually got a PhD. Works in DC in some non-partisan transportation planning capacity now. Anywho, when she graduated with her bachelor's degree, her mom and two brothers, who still lived in Clarksville, stayed with us for a few days. We lost touch for a while and then a couple of years later she called me out of the blue with a crazy story. One of her brothers disappeared and her mom reported it to the police. Turns out that the two brothers who had stayed with us had gotten into a fight several days earlier and one stabbed the other to death. The killer's girlfriend helped him bury the body under their mom's trailer, where the murder happened. They left town, but I guess guilt finally got the best of him because he turned himself in and plead guilty and will spend the rest of his life in prison in Huntsville.


  11. Disclaimer: I haven't read all 15 pages. I live in Austin proper now but grew up in southeast TX and have no desire to go back or move out of the city. I was born in Port Arthur and moved to Groves in 6th grade. I think PA is ~60k people and Groves is ~15k, so neither is super tiny in population, but SETX is so insular, culturally, that it feels much smaller than it is. Families have been there for generations and many people are happy to just keep the cycle going. It's rare for people to leave permanently, if they leave at all. There are good things about it, for sure, but I couldn't wait to get out of town. I never felt like I REALLY fit in there. 18 years was long enough.

    • Like 2
  12. 11 minutes ago, Deej said:

    With these high counts, I just end up with constant of sneezing, lungs that hurt, and the need to sleep 20 hours a day. Aside from that, the cedar has no effect.

    Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln? ;)

    • Like 1
  13. 26 minutes ago, austingirl said:

    Do they have two female pastors right now? One of my good friends is one and was recently fully ordained (or whatever the term is). We met many years ago when we both worked at a large tech company in Austin. She is indeed amazing. I'm not religious but if I had to go to church I'd go to hers.

    Actually I just checked and I'm 99% we're talking about the same person. 

  14. On 1/3/2020 at 3:44 PM, Brisketexan said:

    St Johns?  FANTASTIC church, and their pastor is AMAZING. Seriously, she's brilliant.  And she's also one of my wife's dearest and best friends.  And also, I have a little bit of a crush on her, that everyone knows about.  I admire smart and capable women.

    Do they have two female pastors right now? One of my good friends is one and was recently fully ordained (or whatever the term is). We met many years ago when we both worked at a large tech company in Austin. She is indeed amazing. I'm not religious but if I had to go to church I'd go to hers.

  15. On 12/6/2019 at 1:00 PM, ATLLonghorn said:

    I thought it was great and Daniel Craig in a genteel southern accent saying  

      Reveal hidden contents

    “ What where the words overheard by the nazi child masturbating in the bathroom?”

    is one of the all time great movie line deliveries.

    Yes, any lines involving that character are great. Also him going off about donut holes.

    I liked it far more than I thought I would. Daniel Craig with his ridiculous accent should've annoyed the shit out of me, as should the rest of the over-the-topness of the movie itself, but somehow it worked. Everyone just looked like they were having a ton of fun playing against type. Chris Evans plays a douchebag, Toni Collette is a Gwyneth Paltrow/GOOP type, the normally-terrifying Michael Shannon is a shrinking violet limping around with a cane, and so on. My 11-yo and I both really enjoyed it.

    • Like 2
  16. On 12/25/2019 at 9:16 PM, mdmost said:

    She was Nicole Kidman's therapist in both seasons of Big Little Lies and was great. 


    She's also Annie Wilkes' mom in Season 2 of Castle Rock but I think there are only a couple of us here that watch it.

    On 12/13/2019 at 12:31 PM, henrygandorf said:

    saw a screening of this last night.  i actually liked it more than i thought i would.  jay roach was the right guy, as he can do comedy, but also more serious movies with some really tense, pressure scenes - which this movie had many.  it was funny, intense, sad, suspenseful, kind of a roller coaster.  theron crushed it.  so did robbie.  some comedic actors were great in more serious roles (delaney, mckinnon, duplass).  and lithgow was awesome and scary all at once.  i thought it did a good job of capturing the enabling and complicit culture of fox news, without shaming victims who did or didn't come forward in appropriate time.

    theron, roach, and the writer charles randolph (the big short) were there doing a q&a after the movie.  mostly just talked about how the movie came together, who they met with, spoke to, confidentiality agreements, and why it was a movie that needed to be made.  randolph made about 3 guiliani jokes in 10 minutes (richard kind played him in the movie, but his appearances were very brief).

    i give it a solid b-, went in with fairly tempered expectations.

    I'm pretty torn on whether or not I want to see this. I'm sure the acting is great, and I'm usually up for a story about women talking down misogynistic assholes. That said, I'm having a hard time separating the truly heroic work Kelly, Carlson, and the others did to bring all the sexual harassment stuff to light from the bullshit they peddled on air. Much of which promoted opinions and policies that can foster environments where sexual harassment thrives.    

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  17. 41 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Anecdotal and I’m not a Dr, but I had PPD after my second child, and two weeks out I was still feeling pretty good from the hormones. I suppose every woman is different, but it was somewhere around the 4-6 week mark that I was underwater. 

    I hope they are okay, but I fear that this won’t end well. 

    If she had PPD after the first kid it likely reared back up pretty quickly after the second one. That's what happened to me.

  18. 33 minutes ago, Bottlecap said:

    Some Chris Watts vibes going on with this case. Does anyone really think she's just missing? A woman two weeks post-partum? Those are some delicate times for both recovery and for the baby. Hope I'm wrong.

    I will be very surprised if they are just missing. I'm also trying not to entertain the possibility that she harmed herself and the baby as a result of post-partum mental illness. More likely that her husband or someone she knows did it, but either way this is not going to have a happy ending.

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