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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. At least this shows that they might have spoken to one or two people familiar with Austin when writing the script.
  2. I was joking yesterday about how at least there wasn't anyone riding horses. Until tonight's episode. What stereotypes have they not gotten to yet?
  3. Serious question - do paramedics normally stay in the fire station?
  4. Oh the gay make-out scene was hot. In all seriousness.
  5. I just realized it's the guy who played Hoyt on True Blood and not the guy from Remember the Titans. My bad.
  6. Me: At least there's no one wearing a cowboy hat yet. LS911: Texas Gerry Bertier rolls up with a white cowboy hat. Me:
  7. That happened to my aunt and uncle's dog in the 80s. Her name was Mallard and she was a great duck hunting companion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Our first house had a ridiculous HOA. Right after we moved in we got a notice that the grass needed to be cut and a deadline by which it had to be done. Couple of days later, before the deadline, we got a certified letter from the HOA lawyers saying we were being fined for non-compliance. Besides the fact that they ignored their own deadline, the letter was riddled with spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. I had a few rum and cokes, took out my red pen (editing is part of my day job) and marked up the letter, then mailed it back to them. We had a lot of run-ins with the HOA over the 11 years we lived there, but never heard anything else from them over that particular issue.
  9. 🎵Oooooperator won't you put me on through I gotta send my love down to Baton Rouge 🎵 What an amazing end to an amazing season.
  10. Got Rocket's x-rays today. In case y'all ever wondered what severe bilateral hip dysplasia in canines looks like, here you go. The top one is normal for comparison. You can see in the bottom left how there is no joint at all - the femur is "floating" and the hip socket is almost flat. It's slightly more concave on the right but still relatively flat. The heads of both femurs are also deformed, although that's harder to tell if you don't usually look at x-rays of dog femurs. The good news is that he really doesn't seem like he knows anything is wrong. Still just being a giant puppy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Someone put a bunch of headlines side by side to show how differently the press treat Kate and Meghan on the same subjects. A couple of these are meh but some are crazy. The flower one and the avocado one are the worst, I think. Avocado: vs Flowers: vs
  12. Good old small world of southeast TX. I'm 38 and I don't ever remember an evacuation like this one due to plant explosion concerns. I think there was also concern of a possible chain reaction happening, because there are so many plants so close to each other.
  13. Friend of my dad's just sent him these pics of the plant. I'm not super familiar with plant components but I thought some of you might appreciate them.
  14. LOL I didn't mean Sarah is his mom, just that if we're going on looks alone he does look very much like members of her family. Recessive genes and whatnot.
  15. I've heard that before but IMO Harry looks just like Diana's sister Sarah.
  16. Heavy rain and thunder/lightning in Milwood but nothing too crazy.
  17. He is - he has HRH in his title. He is not in the direct line of succession, though. All of Will and Kate's kids would have to die before he would ascend. Assuming Elizabeth ever dies.
  18. Look, I'm sure she's acted snotty to someone at some point but using the Sun as your source of evidence for proving someone's character is ridiculous. Of course every tabloid out there is going to make drama. "Harry's wife is amazing!" is not a headline that sells. Besides all this, most of y'all are acting like this whole thing was Meghan's idea when even a cursory glance through the tubes shows that Harry has never been completely on board with living the life of a royal. He didn't ask for it, and for everyone's comments about how she needs to deal because she knew what she was getting into, Harry didn't. The heir and the spare, and all that. Being with an American gives him a perfect excuse to back out of some of the limelight. I don't know, I just can't get up in arms about someone wanting to do their own thing and leave the family business. And to that point, to those saying you can't be a duke part-time, it would be SO MUCH WORSE if they actually gave up their titles. Ever since Diana, the British monarchy has been slowly moving away from tradition. This whole thing looks to me like another example of that.
  19. Seriously, where are you seeing what a horrible person she is everyone she sees as beneath her?
  20. KXAN is showing that the really bad stuff isn't supposed to get into Austin till after dinner, maybe 7 pm.
  21. How does any of this make her an insufferable cunt?
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