Older son had a soccer game at 8 am at Town and Country. If you've ever played there, it was on the field that is the farthest away from any parking lot - maybe a 7-10 minute walk. I thought the fields would close before the game, but no such luck, so the kids and I went over and got there around 7:45. We haul all our shit out there, get set up in the drizzle, play 7 minutes, then it thundered. That means a 30-minute delay and we have to go wait in our cars. We go back to the cars, thinking they were going to call it the next time it thundered. Alas, they apparently did not hear the next boom because we were sent back out after the 30 minutes was up.
So we schlepped everything back again, they blow the whistle, and that's when it really started raining. No thunder though, so the kids played the entire thing in steady, mostly hard rain. By the time it ended even us spectators were soaked. On the way home, we grabbed some kolaches to go (because everyone deserved a treat), came home, dried off, and are now watching a movie and I'm not stepping a foot outside for a long time.
Tldr: It was a shitty morning for a soccer game.