Oh, they admit it. Plenty of people admit it. Some quotes:
"Our government works best for the economy when special interests, PACs and corporations control Congress. The last thing we need is for Congress to be controlled by the unwashed and uneducated masses. Your candidate seems to have little or no knowledge with respect to the inner workings of our government."
"[Beto is a] Great guy, wrong color. Sorry!"
"You lost me at Democrat. That's the last thing we need is another Democrat in the Senate or Congress. Ted Cruz will get my vote and will easily win this election because Texans are not idiots."
[This one was a wrong number.] "First off my name is not [a girl's name]. I have a cock....2nd...I will never vote for Looney Liberals ruining our country...3rd...Remove my number from your list...And 4th.....MAGA.!!!!!!"
"He'll no I'm not voting for some dumbass libtard #MAGA"
"Well let's see. He appears to be Pro Death of the unborn, our most helpless and defenceless. His promotion of open borders is tantamount to inviting low wage scabs to cross the border so that they can steal jobs from our citizens. He favors ending the war on drugs even though our life expectancy has declined (for two years). Open borders will only result in increased heroin and fentanyl imports, increased addiction and even more death. What's not to like? KEEP TEXAS SUCCESSFUL!! VOTE REPUBLICAN!!"