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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Ohhhhh I did not know that. Thanks! Above is the dragon fruit. Pork belly rubbed down and ready to sit overnight. Pork butt ready for slow roasting this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Also picked up some dragon fruit for dessert. Just scraped it out of the shell. Soooo good. Would've posted a pic but imgur is getting on my fucking nerves right now.
  3. I love pho, ramen, basically any type of Asian noodle soup. I went through a pho phase a while back and worked on my broth recipe until it was perfect and I could freeze a bunch for pho whenever I got a hankering for it. Once the broth is done it's just a matter if pulling together the toppings and voila, you have a tasty bowl of comfort food I prefer over chicken noodle soup any day. I visited Momofuku Noodle Bar years ago (in NYC), and got the cookbook last Christmas. It wasn't until now that I thought I'd tackle making my own ramen the David Chang way. (Except the noodles. I may be a glutton for punishment when it comes to cooking complex shit, but I do not have it in me to make my own noodles at this point.) So, this afternoon, I went to the new HMart in NW Austin, stocked up on everything I needed and began working on the broth around 2 pm. First, put two sheets of dried kombu into a stockpot filled with 6 quarts of water. When it comes to a boil, turn off the heat and let the kombu steep for 15 minutes. Remove the kombu and add 2 cups dried shiitakes. Bring it back to a boil, then simmer gently for 30 minutes. Remove and reserve for another use. I sliced up the kombu to add to salads and am going to pickle the shiitakes. I did not think to start taking pics until after this point, so here are the shiitakes and kombu after doing their thing in the broth. Next up, I cut the backbone out of a chicken and cut the rest of it into 6 pieces (left in the wings for my purposes). Saved the backbone to make tare' with later. Added the chicken and let it simmer about an hour. When the chicken was falling off the bone, I removed it and set on a carving board to rest till I could pick the meat off the bones. The chicken bones went to hang out with their brethren, the uncooked backbone, and wait for the tare' to get started. As the chicken was simmering, I heated the oven to 400 and loaded up a baking sheet with 5 lbs meaty pork bones - I did a mix of neck and back bones. Roasted those suckers for an hour, till they were a lovely brown. Roasted bones went in next, along with 1 lb bacon. Bacon simmered for about 45 minutes, and I left everything else to simmere for ~6 hours, maybe? About an hour till the end, I added a bunch of green onions, chopped carrot, and two onions, halved but not peeled (onion skins give the broth a great color). I'll pull it off heat in about 30 minutes, strain, and season with tare (like japanese bbq sauce; a mix of mirin, sake, soy sauce, all cooked with roasted chicken bones.) Tomorrow I'll work on the pork belly and pork shoulder for toppings, while the broth waits in the fridge. Will post more pics then.
  4. I really appreciate this. I know we disagree on a lot but the discussion here has been great. I'm not sure if you're serious about knowing it was you, but yes, you can click on the green or red number in the bottom right corner of a post and see who all likes or dislikes it. You should also get notified if someone reacts to your post or quotes you, and the notification panel shows you who is reacting. Anyway, I'm genuinely curious as to what you found to be high-horsey and/or anti-male. I've been married to a guy for 15 years and am raising two boys. I, as I'm sure is the case with most everyone here, have a lot vested in working through these issues, and have found the conversation in this thread to be very insightful.
  5. Shmitty, are you going to provide any context to why you're negging everything I post?
  6. Yeah, I'm cringing just imagining accepting a drink from someone and then ignoring them. It's just ...mean. This is spot on. Last night Animal House was on, and I'd forgotten about the scene where Amadeus is making out with the girl from the grocery store and she passes out, and the devil on his shoulder is telling him to fuck her because she wanted it anyway. He doesn't, but God. Because those aren't the top of the priority list for many (maybe most) women. So what if you have a job and don't look like a goblin? It doesn't mean shit if you're an asshole, and it's usually not hard to figure out if that's the case.
  7. Bite your tongue, sir. When y'all are talking about transactional sex, do you mean while in the dating world? Or also when people are in committed relationships? In some situations I think it could accurately be considered a transaction. But still, "transactional" implies that the individual parties agreed upon the terms before closing the deal. That doesn't happen all the time, especially if you're getting to know one another. If I go out on a date with you, and let you buy me drinks and dinner, and by the end of the night find you to be a pig, I don't owe you sex or a kiss or anything. I appreciate your generosity, but no, I don't owe you shit just because you paid for my meal. It's more of a gamble than a transaction. On both sides.
  8. Sure, but a preschooler can't easily discern that. They have time to learn the nuances of interacting with women. (Well, as much as one can.) For now I just want to get across that no means no.
  9. I get it. I think the safest path is to not default to aggression at the outset. Sure, some women enjoy it, and you can probably read body language and whatnot to see if that's their thing. Of course, some women send mixed signals. Or send the wrong signals, just to be an asshole. You (the general you) can't help if you wrongly interpret what someone is thinking. You should be able to tell, though, when someone is truly telling you to stop. I don't envy anyone (man or woman) in the dating world these days, that's for sure.
  10. No shit. It has all the keywords, too: chicks, witch hunt, rape culture myth.
  11. But no one thinks all men want to rape women. At least no one in this thread. That's not what rape culture means. Honestly, I don't love the term either because yeah, there is definitely a spectrum of harassment severity and rape is one point at the far end of it. The idea is to address the false sense of entitlement embodied to an extreme extent by these incel idiots. And really, a lot of older women don't help anything. I was talking to someone my mom's age recently about this kind of thing (I'm 36, for reference) and she said something along the lines of "Oh, sure, sometimes you may get a slap on the ass but that's just how some guys are. You can't get up in arms about it." Well...I disagree. If you don't care if someone slaps your ass without invitation, that's your prerogative. But women as a whole should not be told that it's something they need to just deal with, nor should they be afraid to call someone out on it. And this sentiment isn't unique to the woman I was talking with - I don't know how many times I've heard some version of "boys will be boys." Boys are capable of not being assholes. Like anyone of any gender, they just have to be taught what that means, not be let off the hook because of some lame excuse about not being able to overcome their base urges or some shit like that.
  12. She's who we're having this conversation for. I guarantee that 99% of the women you know have examples like those in the article, if not that extreme, but maybe we can lower that number for the next generation. I have two boys and have always worked to get it across to them that if anyone tells you to not touch them, to stop touching them, to get out of their space, etc, you immediately stop. No questions asked. My youngest likes holding hands, giving hugs, and so on, and it's a good teaching opportunity when a friend doesn't want to. I'm sure there's more we could do, but I think it's helping for now.
  13. If your problem is the term then you could try suggesting something else and attempt to positively contribute to the conversation. But I suspect that the root of it is that you just don't think rape culture (or whatever you want to call it) is actually a thing.
  14. I first heard of these guys after the Santa Barbara shooting. So delusional. And creepy, honestly. This is my favorite "she doesn't owe you anything" article. Spoilered because long.
  15. One of the best pilots of all time.
  16. I'll just hope that they do a wrap-up episode eventually. Or something.
  17. This show has been on Amazon for four seasons and I'm just now watching it, and it's awesome, and cannot find anyone else who is also watching it. It has so many funny moments (Maestro's crazy wife's performance art, especially the intro to Season 1, Ep. 9; when they are in Mexico City in Season 2, Ep. 5 and Maestro's friend is helping Warren find his violin, etc), some funnier if you were ever in band or orchestra. Gael Garcia Bernal is fantastic - his character would be over the top in most actors' hands; Lola Kirke is great (and, to me, looks like a white Rashida Jones in this show); and I'm not generally into women but if I were, Saffron Burrows would be on the list. Oh, and Malcom McDowell's character is great, too, especially beginning in the second season. I'm only on season 2 and I just heard that the show was cancelled. Sad face. But definitely check it out - the episodes are only 30 minutes and it's an unexpected gem for sure.
  18. Also, that PJ Media site is hilarious. Like this quiz in the middle of the masculinity program article: And then some of the actual quiz questions:
  19. Can you not say "tranny"? Jesus. Are you a member of the Male Men? But seriously, from what I can tell, it looks like the program is just trying to get people to stop being dicks to people who don't fit the traditional definition of masculinity. Hi, Troph! Anyway, from my understanding, non-student funds aren't paying for the HRT, but even if they were I would not personally mind (I know, y'all are shocked). I am a white, cis, straight, fairly well-off woman and have never struggled with gender identity, but...there but for the grace of God I go, you know?
  20. I got you, fam. Here are some recipes from my ancient Tony Chachere's cookbook.
  21. We always calculate 5 lbs per person (live) for a boil. How much do you have left, and are we talking peeled or unpeeled crawfish?
  22. My family owned a grocery store on Gulfway in Port Arthur for several generations. We sold pig's feet out of a giant jar and those things went fast. Never tried one myself.
  23. So wayyyy back in the beginning of Shaggy, there was a post about how some school districts in the US were giving cheese sandwiches on white bread to kids who didn't have lunch money, and people were freaking out at how disgusting that was, and how anyone could do that to kids. Now, my family is, by Port Arthur standards, currently well-off, but in elementary school we lived in a trailer park in Nederland and battled tree roaches for counter space. A cold cheese sandwich on white bread was my standard lunch and I liked it just fine. I just remember being flummoxed at how so many people thought it was shameful to serve that to poor kids.
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