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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. One of the best pilots of all time.
  2. I'll just hope that they do a wrap-up episode eventually. Or something.
  3. This show has been on Amazon for four seasons and I'm just now watching it, and it's awesome, and cannot find anyone else who is also watching it. It has so many funny moments (Maestro's crazy wife's performance art, especially the intro to Season 1, Ep. 9; when they are in Mexico City in Season 2, Ep. 5 and Maestro's friend is helping Warren find his violin, etc), some funnier if you were ever in band or orchestra. Gael Garcia Bernal is fantastic - his character would be over the top in most actors' hands; Lola Kirke is great (and, to me, looks like a white Rashida Jones in this show); and I'm not generally into women but if I were, Saffron Burrows would be on the list. Oh, and Malcom McDowell's character is great, too, especially beginning in the second season. I'm only on season 2 and I just heard that the show was cancelled. Sad face. But definitely check it out - the episodes are only 30 minutes and it's an unexpected gem for sure.
  4. Also, that PJ Media site is hilarious. Like this quiz in the middle of the masculinity program article: And then some of the actual quiz questions:
  5. Can you not say "tranny"? Jesus. Are you a member of the Male Men? But seriously, from what I can tell, it looks like the program is just trying to get people to stop being dicks to people who don't fit the traditional definition of masculinity. Hi, Troph! Anyway, from my understanding, non-student funds aren't paying for the HRT, but even if they were I would not personally mind (I know, y'all are shocked). I am a white, cis, straight, fairly well-off woman and have never struggled with gender identity, but...there but for the grace of God I go, you know?
  6. I got you, fam. Here are some recipes from my ancient Tony Chachere's cookbook.
  7. We always calculate 5 lbs per person (live) for a boil. How much do you have left, and are we talking peeled or unpeeled crawfish?
  8. Did she refer to it as a science oven?
  9. My family owned a grocery store on Gulfway in Port Arthur for several generations. We sold pig's feet out of a giant jar and those things went fast. Never tried one myself.
  10. So wayyyy back in the beginning of Shaggy, there was a post about how some school districts in the US were giving cheese sandwiches on white bread to kids who didn't have lunch money, and people were freaking out at how disgusting that was, and how anyone could do that to kids. Now, my family is, by Port Arthur standards, currently well-off, but in elementary school we lived in a trailer park in Nederland and battled tree roaches for counter space. A cold cheese sandwich on white bread was my standard lunch and I liked it just fine. I just remember being flummoxed at how so many people thought it was shameful to serve that to poor kids.
  11. From Nick's, no less. Let us bow our heads in a moment of silence.
  12. Hunting camp fare definitely lowers the bar on what's acceptable. We evacuated to my dad's hunting camp in Zavala when we were trying to dodge Hurricane Andrew, and there were things I will never unsee. Jesus Christ. Was there...other stuff in the dishwasher at the time? I have so many questions about the logistics of this. My mom worked full-time and was always on a diet (for the record, she's tiny and weighs 110 lbs on a fat day), so she was always eating weird shit, like canned stewed tomatoes. I also took over the cooking detail in middle school. We ate lots of Hamburger Helper, spaghetti with meat sauce, and boudin with saltines.
  13. It's like some executive at Hormel or wherever thought hey, we need to step up our potted meat product game. Let's throw some briny balls of grossness in with the lips and assholes!
  14. My 10-yo loved it. The worst part for him was
  15. Oh yes, asparagus from a can. So, so slimy.
  16. I'm generally not picky but the two foods I detest are mayo and olives. When I was a kid, my dad's favorite sandwich was olive loaf on Wonder bread with a generous smear of mayo. Which still makes me want to hurk just reading about it. What about you?
  17. I usually have a couple of things going at one time. Always some kind of smut to balance out the heavy stuff, and the heavy stuff right now is this:
  18. I'd watch a show just with this guy and his texts.
  19. It's like Kevin O'Shea reminding everyone that he won a Heisman to distract people when he acts like a dick.
  20. You think? (Regarding the R rating) It's definitely intense, but no sex, violence, or really any gore. My 10-yo is dying to see it and I think he could handle it. This movie was what Signs wanted to be. The acting was really outstanding, and I think we can expect lots of greatness from John Krasinski as a director.
  21. Why are we still talking about HRC? This is really going to be a thing the entire time Trump is president?
  22. Yeah, I generally don't like it at all. It's just really clunky and jerky, and I can't think of a modern case where it added to the movie experience. But, I haven't seen Fantastic Mr. Fox, so I'll be sure to check that out.
  23. I appreciate Wes Anderson even though I've only really liked a few of his movies (The Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom), but this one seems like the next level of pretentious even for him. Like he's saying "Critics love my movies no matter what so I'm going to do the next one in the worst animation style possible because I can." Because fuck claymation.
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