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Saint Tacky

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Everything posted by Saint Tacky

  1. "The Daily" (New York Times PodCast) had a two-part series on the killing of Breonna Taylor last week. I highly recommend it if you're in the car with time to spare. Only one witness has come forward saying he heard the cops announce themselves and then, just once. No one else heard anything but loud banging on the door. The idea the ex had money there came from the previously referenced conversation between her ex and another woman that was recorded while he was in jail. He was looking for help with bail and told the other woman he had a couple of sums of cash hidden there. She never didn't have her shit together. She was the first person in her family to graduate from high school. Trained and worked as an EMT, but quit because she keep her apartment on her salary. She need the apartment because she had taken her sister and goddaughter off the streets and they were living with her. Retrained and became an emergency room tech. She had come off something like her fourth shift in three days and just wanted to sleep in her own bed because her sister was out of town on a job interview and her goddaughter was staying elsewhere with family. She didn't stay with drug dealers. There was no them. She didn't deal with large amounts of cash. The cops didn't know much about her and didn't even realize that there was another adult and a child residing there in the apartment with her. There was no investigation of her. She was indicted by the same philosophy that's been espoused here a dozen times. Guilt by association.
  2. Four years ago I was driving back from Caddo Lake and didn't see a single Trump sign in a front yard on our route thru East Texas. Dozens of Hillary signs though.
  3. Ivanka will retreat after the election and leave a snail trail back to New York City. But, Donald, Jr. will step into the breach and assume their father's role. His rise from family loser to becoming the rock star of the "Trump Forever" movement has been remarkable. He and Dad are going to spend the next four years fighting like hell to maintain the family death grip on the Republican party. I'm convinced he's a scarier and more formidable version of his father. Greedy and incompetent with a lust for power, and no ability to use it for anything other than personal wealth and gain. He's a more dimwitted version of Donald, but he's just smart enough to know what he doesn't know, can keep his mouth shut and fake contrite when he needs to, doesn't have the self-destruct button or willingness to double-down on the absurd. He'll be the Republican nominee in 2024, and the ability to blow it up entirely if he's not.
  4. Yes. Nothing personal, but Yankees
  5. No way in hell he walks away from charging the minions to hear him speak. Whether tens of thousands, tens of hundreds, or just tens. Because $
  6. Criminal complaints are investigated by the FBI and prosecuted by the Department of Justice. Good luck with that. Too busy un-prosecuting the lawfully convicted.
  7. FIFY. Dirtiest of the dirty. Letting Houston join the SWC was the beginning of the demise for the league.
  8. Ryan's sister went to TCU. My son is in the same Troop with Ryan and is likely next in line to be Eagle Scout (humble brag).We attended Philmont and Sea Base with Ryan and his Dad. I kept my mouth shut as this process played out and it broke the right way. Ryan is a really good guy and he's a great fit at Baylor. He's not "Team Jesus" by any means. He's got a "take no shit" from no one edge about him. I think Baylor's a better fit for Ryan because he'll do well there as the bigger fish in a smaller pond.
  9. and Senator Phil Hercrevis as his VP
  10. I just started skipping the posts. Nonsensical. Uninformed. A waste of my time.
  11. Do yourself a favor and listen to this episode of "Intelligence Matters". Russian Interference Past, Present, and Future "what Putin's after here, is chaos, is dysfunction, is corrupting democracies. Trump is a means to that end. But there are other ways of achieving it, one of which is just making Americans wonder whether their election was fair at all."
  12. Reading skills too? Shit. You're the whole package. You should just skip law school and go sit for the Bar Exam.
  13. I'm not certain that banging on a trash can rises to the level of more efficient when the Yankees and Red Sox were using Apple watches and real-time electronic relays.
  14. That's some skilled reasoning on your part and deft maneuvering to avoid the argument. You should give law school a try.
  15. You're right. They were just doing it for the hell of it and none of the information gathered was passed along or utilized in real time. That's a real leap to an inane depths of rationalization it would take to justify your assessment that no one was doing this at the Astros' level. The Dodgers' had approximately 20-employees in a video room set up for the expressed purpose of "stealing signs and deciphering “tells” from pitchers" but they didn't utilize it for the intended purpose. Of course you didn't hear it. Just like you don't hear anything about the Dodgers' video room, or that the Brewers were neck deep in this shit, or why MLB hid and is now fighting to keep the Yankees' transgressions under seal. MLB and Manfred have fought tooth and nail to make this an Astros issue because it has to stay an Astros issue or everything is at risk.
  16. And where is that microgram relative to losing two home games? Or, winning on the road to take back home field advantage? Where do those fall on the invisible scale that was apparently tipped in Houston's favor? I understand why Dodger fans' need to hyper-focus on something that no one is certain did play a role or can show played a role in their Series loss. It's easier than the non-issue standing like the elephant in the middle of the room. Their team lost 2-home games in the Series and despite beating those "cheating bitches" in Houston, lost the World Series. It's exactly why Cody Bellinger wants to bellyache about being cheated rather than talking about going 4 for 28 and striking out 17 times. 17 fucking times! Where does a crucial hit by Bellinger at a key moment fall on your microgram scale?
  17. Name a team that isn't. The Astros are just the only team in MLB to get a speeding ticket at the Indy 500. So far.
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