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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by stupidgringo

  1. Chuy, what day of the week are you arriving? If it's a weekday, including Friday, you shouldn't have a problem at or before 1:00 pm. In 2016, I had 5+ sites to choose from at 3:00 pm on Friday of July 4th weekend. You may not have a wide selection, but you should get a spot. The process is to pick your site and register/pay at the self-serve box at the entrance to the campground area. Summertime demand is low in Big Bend. Most folks don't realize that the daytime highs in the basin are a dry 90, and the nights are cool.
  2. Need to change board name to Python Food and Travel.
  3. Watching umpcam on firetv. Nice to just hear the crowd and no ESPN morons blathering about this piggy pitcher or Roger or whatever.
  4. You think you're sad. Think of Angus. He has lost his brother twice.
  5. Holy shit. Are those two the only ones over there? I'm not even sure they're not the same person/bot.
  6. Posted this link over on the 2018 Fire Season thread on Daily Texan. It'll give you updates on all of the current wildfires. Updated at least once daily. https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/
  7. How awesome would it be for a storm named Bud to save Colorado.
  8. This is the website you need for keeping track of wildfires: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/ I've been keeping an eye on the Ute Park fire as I'd like to get up to Wheeler Peak this summer. Today's update has it at 92% contained.
  9. Gotdammit. I've clicked on this thread three or four times now thinking it was about something far more interesting.
  10. Fuck this sucks. Hated him for the catch. Remember it like it was yesterday. But no one deserves ALS. RIP.
  11. The most interesting thing about that clip from the Big 12 champ game isn't the clock, it's how fucking concussed Colt was. Pretty sure he didn't know there was a clock to be concerned about.
  12. Is it a '62 Econoline van? I've always wanted to live way high up in the mountains in a '62 Econoline van.
  13. FWIW, I did Philmont and Northern Tier as a scout. I loved them both but preferred Northern Tier. It may have been a little more physically challenging, but if you've trained for Philmont, you'll be fine. The only issue I could see is if you have scouts or leaders who are non-swimmers or non-paddlers. My advice is to go to Northern Tier if you can make it work.
  14. Had the Great Heights Berlinerweisse last Wednesday. Good stuff. Hefe was good too.
  15. Had a draft hemperor with my breakfast at Choice City in Ft Collins a few weeks ago. I enjoyed it. The aroma was tremendous.
  16. Celery, that town is Refugio. Home of Willie Mack Garza.
  17. Clarifications on BSA name and gender issues:
  18. Maybe you should mow that spot next time.
  19. In about 1986, I was hit head on by a Chevy Nova that was exiting Austin Speedorama/Longhorn Speedway southbound onto northbound 183. A bit stunned, I looked up to see about seven dudes scatter back into the parking lot, abandoning the Nova. My teenage mind was blown.
  20. I was doing mindfulness meditation daily during an especially difficult period about a year ago. Very helpful. I used a couple of apps. Headspace is very good at teaching you the practice. I would recommend using it for at least the free trial. I ended up settling on Calm, and I used it daily for several months. I eventually realized that I have other mindfulness practices that I've done for most of my life and was neglecting. Those practices were focused music listening and guitar playing. Making sure that I take time to do those things regularly helps me keep anxiety at bay. I do still meditate a few times a month when I need to focus on gratitude or push down some anxiety. My advice is to learn mindfulness meditation; it's awesome. But also think about focused activities that you enjoy. For me, those activities take my mind away from and help minimize my anxieties.
  21. C'mon, man. Just admit you're a Slade cover band.
  22. Haven't had it on draft. Bought a six-pack and it was dreamy. I guess that's just another data point for its inconsistency.
  23. Ritz Theater? Paramount Theater?
  24. My experience has been similar. I love pecan porter and order it often, but the barrel aged double doesn’t do it for me the same way. The whiskey barrel flavor takes away from what makes the beer special. That doesn’t mean I won’t seek it out and enjoy it.
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