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Everything posted by skittlebrau

  1. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Yeah, even if we are tied on points, we will have more wins which is the first tiebreaker.
  2. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Going to Nashville with a bunch of Austin FC fans was very fun, but the game was much less so.
  3. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Game review, Rigoni preview and an interview with Adrian Healey that covers the Apple TV deal, the art of broadcasting, live music and more. https://www.moontowersoccer.com/rigoni-is-official-adrian-healey-interview-skc-recap-and-more/
  4. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    We’ve done a few live shows with Adrian but never had him on the podcast. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    I can say for sure that COVID is making a run through the supporters who went to Frisco, so hopefully it’s precautionary. For those of you who listen to the podcast, who should we interview next? Got my eyes on Healey and Arnaud but not sure after that.
  6. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Fuck the Houston Dynamo that is all
  7. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Thanks! I told Cam from the PR staff that it would be nice if they didn't do that. He assured me that he'd speak with Precourt directly about it. 😀 Then Josh blew up our answer about when he might play between the time we recorded (10:30 this morning) and the time the show came out (noon).
  8. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    If you want a half hour of Washington Corozo talk, we got it: https://www.moontowersoccer.com/bonus-austin-fc-signs-washington-corozo-on-loan/
  9. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Stuver officially out on the injury report along with Fredward Kleeman.
  10. Seattle in good shape at the half. Oh, I thought we were talking about the real Champions League in here.
  11. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

  12. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    I haven’t watched the postgame presser but I would love to hear Wolff’s explanation for the formation change when taking off Urruti. As weird as it is to say, would have been nice to have Hoesen available if you were going to sub with the lead like that.
  13. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Felipe Martins turning into a real favorite. Our interview with him starts about an hour in here: https://www.moontowersoccer.com/felipe-martins-interview-listener-questions-san-jose-preview-and-more/
  14. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    He was with Dani and Zan. Saw them a couple times.
  15. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    I think this might be Emely Alvarado from the communications team. Looks like a club employee badge.
  16. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    In the postgame presser, Stuver called it the type of goal we gave up a lot last year. So yes, that.
  17. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    I DON'T WANT TO JINX ANYTHING BUT......the schedule makers did us a real favor making Cincy, Charlotte and Inter Miami three of our games against the east. They're pretty much the worst three teams in the league.
  18. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Yeah, everything bounces your way on some nights including that blast.
  19. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Game Day Tomorrow! FCC has been the worst team in the league for their entire existence. Let’s hope our dreams aren’t crushed early.
  20. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    If the supporters had control over anything in the stadium I’m pretty sure we would lower the prices on beer and not worry about opposing drums.
  21. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Can’t believe I blew the whole Moontower Soccer marketing budget on that jersey patch.
  22. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Yeah it’s a launch party for the new kit. Did you have to purchase a jersey to RSVP? I don’t remember.
  23. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    My very reasonable reaction to last night is that we are winning the World Cup this year.
  24. skittlebrau

    Austin FC

    Danny Hoesen and Rodney Redes were our two best offensive threats last preseason. I remind myself of that every time I want to read something into a preseason outcome.
  25. Apparently it’s Robert Plant’s second favorite team, which was also cool.
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