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  1. LOL. I was trying to post a spoiler pic from my phone. I'm old and it didn't work and then I couldn't edit it.
  2. Duh! You can't buy an $80,000 Tahoe for less than $1000 month without 84 month financing!
  3. Same. I went to a Catholic elementary school in the 60's. Being left handed was morally wrong and they forced me to do everything right handed, like GOD intended.
  4. Well I might have dodged a bullet anyway. I think my wife wants to keep her 9 year old, 95K mile Hyundai. She's driven several new cars, from cheap to semi-expensive and seems to have no interest. She kept complaining that they didn't have CD players and none of the 50 way adjustable seats felt right. I'm retiring this year and will lose my company truck. I guess I'll buy me something instead.
  5. I was on a small commuter jet once when claustrophobia set in. I wasn't sure I was going to make the 30 minute trip. Before we left the DFW terminal they had us leave the plane and transferred us to another one. No problems on the second (and same size) plane. Turns out it had mechanical problems. I kind of felt like William Shatner on that one. My wife and I were in an elevator that shut down between floors. Just 4 of us in it and I was trying to pry the door open and get out. And don't even get me started on MRI's....... I can't watch these videos. It would keep me up at night.
  6. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    Damn. Good luck on the surgeries
  7. Whenever I get a text from someone wanting to buy my home, I ask them if I have to remove the corpses from the crawl space or leave them there. I've strung out so many Indian/Pakistani IRS/Social Security telemarketers, it's no fun anymore. I just constantly make stuff up until I get bored. But I get a lot of satisfaction being yelled at and cussed out in a foreign language when I tell them that I enjoyed wasting their time. If that ask me to confirm or cancel my Amazon shipment I always complain that I ordered 10 of whatever they said I ordered and I want confirmation that more are on the way. And if it's a car warranty service I tell them I drive a 1938 Hupmobile.
  8. Yep. When you say you're paying cash, the almost always come back with "we have some great financing options." I knew a few people in the car business and they all play the game. It's like they don't understand the simple concept of agreeing on a price and paying for one. And they're afraid that if they admit to one person it's just a ploy to get more money from you, their secret will be out. Everyone I know in the industry defends the BS. I've actually had to threaten people to simply get my keys back after they took our car back to establish a trade-in value then refused to give them back for various reasons.
  9. Does anyone else look at buying a car as a full contact sport? I don't mind people making money but they're not going to make it all on me. My wife is due a new one. My friend in the car business retired so I'm stuck dealing with dealers now. All the dealers in Abilene are owned by 2 or 3 groups of businesses and they act like a cartel. I went online to a local dealer and every car had a $3000 extra "warranty" added to their "no haggle" price, which was MSRP. We had a long email exchange where I told them that the extra warranty was a deal breaker and I wanted to know if they would sell one without it, because if not I'll go somewhere else. He would never answer me directly, even after I told him to quit the BS and give me a yes or no answer. The sales manager called me and said they would but if there was great value in it and I should really consider getting it. It's not even a warranty. It says that they will fix/repair/replace certain items, solely at their discretion. Scratch them off the list. I don't have the patience or desire to go through all the back and forth haggling bullshit. I'll walk the second time they say "let me take this deal to the manager". I've been a salesman all my life and I am immune to the process. Make me a deal and let's move on. I'm already surly and I haven't even stepped on a dealer lot yet.
  10. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

  11. LOL. Yeah from my "I'll fix everything by myself and need to carry an entire tool set in my pockets" years.
  12. Yeah, she doesn't like it when I say "we've been married 42 years, 15 of them good."
  13. I was carrying my youngest daughter around the mall when she was about 2. She said her stomach was hurting so I picked her up to take her home. She proceeded to pull open the top of my overalls and puke 3 times. I emptied it all in a plant and ran to the car. It was not fun driving home.
  14. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    I spent 3 hours yesterday arguing with United Health and our insurance rep about coverage. I turned 65 last year and signed up for Medicare Part A, even though I had insurance at work. I read about the 20 person rule for establishing primary coverage for payments. I called our boss and he said we had 21 people insured so we were good. Fast forward this year and United is not paying any claims because they say Medicare is primary because we have less than 20 people insured. Since I didn't sign up for part B, Medicare isn't paying doctors visits. When I called United and insisted that we had 22 people insured now, they said that they use a formula to determine the number of employees we have signed up and the formula says we only have 19. Never mind that we're paying premiums for 22 people. I called our insurance rep to complain about getting screwed because I was paying premiums but they were refusing to pay the bills and I was stuck paying for the entire amount. He kept telling me that they were paying bills, just not mine. He said it a dozen times. He didn't seem to care that I didn't give a rats ass about anyone else's payments, just mine. "Your just stuck in an unfortunate situation". Screw them all........
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