I spent 3 hours yesterday arguing with United Health and our insurance rep about coverage. I turned 65 last year and signed up for Medicare Part A, even though I had insurance at work. I read about the 20 person rule for establishing primary coverage for payments. I called our boss and he said we had 21 people insured so we were good. Fast forward this year and United is not paying any claims because they say Medicare is primary because we have less than 20 people insured. Since I didn't sign up for part B, Medicare isn't paying doctors visits. When I called United and insisted that we had 22 people insured now, they said that they use a formula to determine the number of employees we have signed up and the formula says we only have 19. Never mind that we're paying premiums for 22 people.
I called our insurance rep to complain about getting screwed because I was paying premiums but they were refusing to pay the bills and I was stuck paying for the entire amount. He kept telling me that they were paying bills, just not mine. He said it a dozen times. He didn't seem to care that I didn't give a rats ass about anyone else's payments, just mine. "Your just stuck in an unfortunate situation". Screw them all........