I know I'm setting myself up, but we all know Surly is the place to go for medical advice. My doctor retired and I just left my initial visit with my new one. I like him but he is very young and I've known him since he was a kid. Currently, I take no medication for anything. All my test always come back in the normal range. After reviewing all my numbers and running some programs he wants me to consider two things. First taking a low dose statin, though I think I'm going to have a calcium CT before doing this to see if it's necessary. Secondly, and I'm dead serious, he wants me to take daily Cialis for BPH. It's FDA approved for it and most reviews say it helps. Has anyone taken either of these long term and are there any bad side effects? I know what Cialis is good for, but I've been married for over 40 years so boning like a 25 year old is not that big a deal anymore. I just don't want to deal with side effects if I can avoid them.