There's a concrete plant in Maryneal. It was updated a few years ago but was originally built in the 50's so the technology was pretty old before it was rebuilt. There is a giant room where the "clinker", big chunks of cement, falls before being put into the ball mills for pulverizing. They fed the clinker to the mills with a giant overhead crane. It had exposed drums that had to be worked on constantly. A few years ago there was a guy standing on top of the crane with a foot on each drum. One of the women that worked in maintenance, gave the wrong instructions to the crane operator and he ran both drums inward. It sucked the worker between the two drums, a space of about 6", up to his chest.. Because of his location in the plant, 50' in the air on a crane and the fact that Maryneal is in the middle of BFE, he had no chance. He knew he weas going to die. Some of the managers tried to save him but all they could do was talk to him while he expired. The guy I knew who tried to help was messed up for years.