I don't want to get all CR, but I have a cousin and her husband that who are deep into it. At a family reunion a couple of years ago they cornered my wife with all their predictions. She, unlike me, was too polite to argue with them and she didn't tell me about it until it was over. I have another cousin who was in DC on 1/6. He is batshit insane in some of this stuff. They all refer to Qanon as "Q" as if it's a real person speaking "secrets". Family members have come to me and ask that the "off the deep end cousin" not be invited to anything family related because of his insanity. I haven't had a chance to converse with the other two, but when I do, I plan to ask them what happed to the junta that was supposed to restore order. Her husband is also a big ou supporter and thinks that Barry Switzer was a saint and a great human being, who was run off by all the jealous professors at ou. I plan on rubbing his nose in it this year.