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Everything posted by Crapinon

  1. I'm watching on Sling. ESPN is screwing up big time. A few minutes ago it cut to commercial in the middle of an at bat. And after the last commercial break it came back on showing the the game in the middle of the second inning. I had to back out of ESPN and click back on again. Is anyone else having the weirdness?
  2. I went to a wedding once where the best man told that joke during his toast to the bride and groom.
  3. I hope they know the difference.
  4. They also have an inside former student working the greens.
  5. Yeah I was thinking more like human waste pool instead of wave pool.
  6. LOL. #64 Kam Dewberry OL 4-star Humble, TX NOT FISHY: He was pretty gung-ho for the fake Army school for awhile. Not much buzz from Alabama.
  7. I guy would have just jumped the barricade and walked up the stationary escalator to get to the top.
  8. And it looks like the little guy knocked him on his ass before the knockout blow.
  9. Wildfires are truly terrifying. I'm out here watching West Texas burn. Mandatory evacuations a couple of miles from my house and I could see the hills on fire from my driveway. It's a new experience going through your house to decide what you want to save if you have to leave in a heartbeat.
  10. I don't think we ever got that. We always got the full mercury treatment.
  11. If you think HP hurts you obviously never got this stuff
  12. I'll one up you. My wife had a bag of those and she would wash them and out them back in the bag. I finally threw them all out without her realizing it.
  13. This comment sums it all up for those who don't like the way they are spending the money: TexaninVA May 3, 2022 9:50am Some people, as it turns out, are just not a good fit for Aggieland. Highway 6 stills runs both ways luckily.
  14. Years ago I went to the park to see the springs. As you said, the spring has been dry for decades but they had run galvanized water pipe under the rim that drip water to make it look like it still worked. And a looong time ago I was in Wichita Falls the day they opened their "falls". There was a news crew there from NBC to cover it. Except there was no water. The pumps they used to circulate the water failed and I think they had to run fire hoses to the top of the falls to shoot water so it would look like a real water fall.
  15. Ok, technically parked between the lines. But it was extremely douchey and in a parking lot. And on a side note, I knew an aggy grad who once did this to his bass boat.
  16. Nah. I've spent time in both. BS is a total shit hole. There may be one good place to eat and there is absolutely nothing to do. The only thing worth seeing is the Hotel Settles. There is no place in BS that looks good. Angelo has a few things to see/do and they have several good places to eat. And aggy related, it's one of the biggest sheep/wool producing areas in the US.
  17. Crapinon

    Getting old sucks

    As long as your not like my BIL who will drone on and on about it for hours, going into the intricacies and superiority of the game, I think your safe.
  18. Screw that guy and those commercials. Everyone of them makes me ragey. Now please excuse me, I see some clouds that are up to no good.
  19. Of course. He personally destroyed this part of my youth.
  20. If I had a time machine, I would go back and throat punch the person who invented popcorn ceilings. Then I would go forward a few years and kill the home improvement ass that said scrapping it all off and repainting it was a must do.
  21. I had a college buddy like that. While guys would be running their mouths, he would quietly be positioning himself for the first punch and take down. Usually the guys running their mouths never saw it coming. Sometime their buddies would realize what was happening and pull them back. A couple of years ago, at 64, he was arrested for assault, for beating on his next door neighbor in the same scenario. Judge eventually threw it out because of the actions of the loudmouth neighbor. Some guys never learn.
  22. So what are the chances Switzer calls himself an agent and takes 20% of everything off the top?
  23. We lost, but we really won. Sure thing if you don't look at the final score, I guess? merch In reply to Iraq2xVeteran • 10:04a, 4/21/22 To be fair, didn't we really beat LSU last year? We just didn't beat them twice in the same game. By definition, you cannot blow a play dead for forward progress being stopped for a player that does not have the ball. First time I've ever seen that call. https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3280838/replies/61917177
  24. Years ago, my father-in-law was going in for a heart procedure. He told me that the surgeon said there was 1 in 1000 chance of something going wrong. I told him those seem like pretty good odds. He said "yeah they are, unless you're one of those one thousand".
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