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Everything posted by Crapinon

  1. Yeah, I led a marriage class at a church once. One whole lesson devoted to sex. The guys who weren't getting any were too terrified to bring it up because they knew their twice a year sex would end completely if they complained. However, several women were straightforward in the fact that they weren't getting enough in both quantity and variety.
  2. Kept hoping for some kind of east coast/west coast, disrespecting drive by...
  3. LOL. Turn the closed caption on and he's doing it for the pope.
  4. I watched to the end hoping that the cops showed up, she loses her cool and slaps one of them, then they beat her with their batons.
  5. The fun thing I noticed about writing resumes when you're old is the fact that most of your old supervisors are retired or dead. And in my case, a lot of the companies were bought out or went out of business. So none of my youthful asshole-ness can be held against me.
  6. I don't want to be the asshole that says "everything will be fine" but from what I've picked up reading about you and your attitude on life, Everything will be fine. I'm in sales. Twice I have received a call saying "we don't need you anymore". Once when I had 3 kids at home and was the only source of income for the family as my wife went back to school. There was no warning, no bad reviews, nothing to tell me it was coming, they just cut me loose. I just used my righteous indignation as a motivator to tell them "screw you". After my last layoff 12 years ago during the recession I couldn't get a return phone call from anyone I knew in the industry, then a friend connected me with a company of who I knew, but had no interest in working for. The owner ended up making me an offer and I've been here 13 years now. I wish I got here sooner he's a great employer and person. My bet is that if you really want to work and keep looking, you will find something. There are still employers who see character, quality in, and appreciate an employee who can stick with the same company for 40 years. I don't know exactly what you did in construction but I can tell you the Renewables (wind turbine) construction market is bonkers crazy. They are putting up turbines at a scary rate from 35 west and along the coast. People in the industry have told me that there is about to be a big explosion of offshore turbine construction in the gulf. A lot of the turbine construction companies are in the midwest but they have a huge presence down here. Blattner, Wanzek and IEA are three that come to mind. And there are 100's of renewable companies based in Houston. There might be something there. The TL;DR version, screw them and don't give up. I promise there is something there for you.
  7. I'm convinced you could sell a "weenie water" base tomato ketchup soup to someone. Maybe Waffle House or Cracker Barrel.
  8. At one time, emu's were THE get rich scheme. Buy them, breed them and sell them. King of the Hill did a pretty good show on the lunacy. Kind of like chinchillas in the 60's.
  9. I had a cousin who was always looking for easy money. He was a compulsive gambler, bought emu's and opened a dry cleaners just so he could have a front for his attempt at being a bookie. I'm the only one he never swindled money from. When his wife died in '86 she modified her will to put her 20 yo son in charge of the money ($400K+). She split it 4 ways, between my cousin and their three kids, two under 13. He was to manage it it until the others turned 18. My cousin badgered the oldest to turn over the younger siblings money to him for "investments". Within 2 years he had spent it all on slots in Vegas. At the end no one in the family would even return his calls. He ended up moving into a senior facility and swindling the really old widows out of monthly living expenses. His youngest son ended up going to (and is in) prison for drugs. His oldest son lost his child to a drug overdose. I could write another story on him but I don't want to CR the tread up. Let's just say he was in Washington during the January rally. His oldest sons "mentor" is another cousin who even more politically bonkers than he is and is from Oklahoma. He thinks Barry Switzer was a fine moral man who got run off from ou because of jealous professors and admin.
  10. I'd give $1000 to his ministry if he would let me take a few swings at him with one of these.
  11. The fix was in. The NIT was against them too... https://texags.com/forums/7/topics/3281269
  12. Thousands of little green eyes staring back at you. It's pretty cool.
  13. And this explains why every Allsup's bathroom is in the shape it's in. I had a friend that worked for them. He told me years ago that the man and woman who owned them (the Allsup's?) would get on their computers at the end of the month and check their financial sheets to see how much they cleared. Then start buying land and horses like other people order stuff from Amazon. They made a lot of money. There are still Allsup's in just about every small town west of Abilene.
  14. Or, how about wearing an adult diaper so people don't have to step in your piss and some innocent janitor has to clean up your piss storm?
  15. A friend of mine who coached at one of the HS in Abilene ISD told me that a few years ago, a teacher injured his back breaking up a fight between two girls in the hallway. They denied his request for workman's comp because he was not the designated person to intervene. When my wife taught, she had a student that would run around the classroom, throwing shit on the floor, jumping on tables and countertops and screaming in the other kids faces. All she was allowed to do was say "please stop" and wait for someone from the office to come take him away to calm down. He would do this several minutes before someone would show up. There is a reason most of the new teachers quit by year 3. My elementary school nun teacher, Sister Mary Gotti, would have knocked us into next year.
  16. Two different videos spliced together. One of the dog being untied by the guy and another one of the train passing by.
  17. Several sites reported it is probably faked. This is just one: https://iheartdogs.com/experts-suspect-that-man-faked-dog-train-tracks-rescue-for-fame/ However if you search the interwebs you can find stories of people finding dogs chained to railroad tracks.
  18. A lot of sources say this one was faked. But what's really disheartening and fills me with murderous rage is the fact that tying dogs to a railroad track to get hit by trains is a real thing.
  19. There was barely enough room to drive around it, 6 feet into the lane. And someone here might need to come clean....it had a longhorn sticker on the back.
  20. It doesn't matter. Don't touch/use either one of them or you will get them dirty.
  21. So he chooses to bitch and whine about not making the NCAA tournament at a press conference for the NIT tournament. That's a real class act.
  22. My dad had lots of family that lived in Eagle Lake. One of them lived in an old sharecroppers shack that had no indoor plumbing. They didn't move into a house with plumbing until 1980. The outhouse at their old house was wedged between two barns and couldn't be moved. So instead of digging a hole and covering it up when it was full and digging a new hole, they took a dump on the same spot for 20 years. It was disgusting. When I was a kid I could go 3 days without taking a dump because I wouldn't use it.
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