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Everything posted by Crapinon

  1. That's t ju vggqhqhqyqyqyqyqhqgqgqhqhq yqaqv8,$=-#",/$.4-'7zr're, not t ju vggqhqhqyqyqyqyqhqgqgqhqhq yqaqv8,$=-#",/$.4-'7zr
  2. Yeah. And some I've seen are even more extreme. To each their own, and it seems to be in style. I'm not a fan.
  3. No. I understand a full brim hat. I can't really find a good pic online. Maybe it's just a west Texas thing. It's like they take a wide brimmed western hat and bend the sides up at a 90 degree angle, where the side edges are as tall as the crown.
  4. Na. I'm not picking on the King. I'm talking about the cowboy hats that look like an airfoil on a sprint car. I'll try to find a pic.
  5. I've close to 30 hats. Stetsons,Resistol's, Cavanaugh's, Akubra's, Baileys and Montecristi's from Panama. Fedora's, cattleman's, trilby's, outback, boaters, homburgs and even a couple of sombrero's. I've even got 3 that are 60+ years old and 1 close to 90.And one John Deere gimme cap. You wear your hats to show them off. I'll wear them inside for a few minutes, but always take them off when we sit down at a restaurant or enter a guests house. But I have another question concerning cowboy hats. When the hell did they dictate that they have to be as big as Sally Field's habit from the Flying Nun or the wings off a sprint car?
  6. He didn't say there was anything bad about him or his character. He is loved by many people in Dallas, especially his players. My relatives gripe is about his recruiting players to Duncanville. He said that it's not uncommon (using very lax and legal rules surrounding residency) to cherry pick and recruit some of the best players out of DISD to play for him in Duncanville.
  7. I had a relative that was at a coaches clinic in Jerry World that day. He said the Duncanville coach still had the same look on his face 45 minutes after the game. I felt sorry for their him, but my relative said it was karma. According to him a lot of coaches weren't that upset to see him lose.
  8. Suck it up. It's football. And do you not remember this game? Texas was supposed to lose by eleventy milllion. Nebraska was a juggernaut back then.
  9. ESPN don't know chit. You want to screw OU? Win out. The path to the championship for UT is not in their control. But the ability to keep OU out is.
  10. Hell yeah TD! And I've yet to hear the god-awful"boomer sooner" played.
  11. This is for 50+ years of hating OU.
  12. My orange KoolAid has a bit of a wang to it. And it's not good.
  13. Richard Nixon waved at me from his bullet proof car in a motorcade.
  14. Crapinon

    Checking in

    I hope to surpass my old total of 24 post in 8 years on the Shag.
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