I've had 10 exams the passed 4 years. Since last year, my PSA jumped two full points to 8.2. Additional blood work said 50% chance of cancer. Urologist said she I was passed her level of expertise (and I think her interest) but she started talking to me about cancer treatments. She referred me to UTSW Dallas and a world class urologist. He scheduled an MRI fusion biopsy. The MRI scared me more than cancer. Luckily Valium is a hell of a drug and I didn't give a rip even though I was fully inside the machine with a probe stuck up my butt, hitting my tonsils. Luckily everything was clear and no lesions, so no biopsy. Now I'm on the twice a year plan but no cancer.
Since then I have talked to several people who have high numbers but refuse to get checked. They seem to be more scared of knowing they have cancer than dying from it. If you have high numbers, get checked. It's one of the easiest cured if caught early. And as my urologist told me, you can still get it up even after surgery. Or in her exact words " worst case scenario we can put a pump in, you can keep it up as long as you want and do anything you like with it".