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SKA the boss

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Everything posted by SKA the boss

  1. Shaka pep talk: We got this. If you’re open, gun the 3. Slap at the ball if you have to. AJ, rest on D, Ramey is going to get hot eventually.
  2. Coleman getting the ball uncontested with 11 on the shot clock guns a 3 with a two point lead... doesn’t drive the open lane? So bad.
  3. Just tuned in and checked the stat line. Go to the hoop. Stop gunning 3’s. You’re welcome.
  4. This stuff is hats off amazing to me. I can't get the wooden gate to hang correctly and these people fly a rocket 100 million miles away, have a self-directed landing, and send back pictures right away. Next up? We're going to fly a drone around. So, yeah. They're bad ass.
  5. I guess Andy didn’t watch last week to see what happened when GB called timeout for Brady before the half with a minute left.
  6. Fuck yeah. 88 So deserving.
  7. Baylor is just good. They have few holes. Stingy defense that transitions to points. Amazing guard shooting. Unselfish. Well coached. We hung as best we could. We are not in that league, but we can still run deep.
  8. fucking girl’s 8th grade b teams would smoke us in a ft contest pitiful
  9. A lot of this. Perhaps it was an instance of the head knows but the heart needs to be shown. If he doesn’t get picked up now, he will be more at peace with it, perhaps?
  10. It was a shitty way to end a good comeback under such adversity. But this team has grit.
  11. This is so much better than the 27 seconds of hot potato around the key and gun a prayer offense we used to run.
  12. I'll be in the cautiously optimistic but burned before section, but at least winning won't be hard anymore. He checks a lot of boxes and we weren't getting UM. I'll be all in when he beats ou sucks.
  13. That game was awesome. I don’t recall ever seeing defenders trying to drag an offensive player into the end zone. Classic 2020 finish.
  14. This thread is a lot like “Tiger King”. You think, it can’t get any more weird or fucked up, but then you come back and go... whoa... what the fuck just happened?
  15. I just tried to read 1,300 posts in five minutes. Don’t try that. You will only comprehend McRib- chips -senseless emojis - no one knows anything.
  16. Should have taken a knee and saved face.
  17. We interrupt word association to request that the dumb ass who does not give his on fire 5 star back the ball 2 of 3 downs all game long be fired last month.
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