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SKA the boss

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Posts posted by SKA the boss

  1. On 4/28/2018 at 6:50 PM, ATXHorn94 said:

    Good for Poona.  Not a bad landing spot.

    A pretty good spot with D line space. If he can come to camp with his motor running, he could find some rotation time. 

    On 4/22/2018 at 10:55 PM, Jkwellborn said:


    The problem with our '07 Tahoe isn't that the hose connecting part broke, it's the portion that connects to the silver tube.


    I have a hose fitting tool (the white "C" shaped fitting thingies) but can't get it to release from the plastic part.


    I'm curious how this went. Those little connections drive me crazy and I fucking HATE plastic. I would have ended up cracking it with a pair of needlenose pliers.

  2. I'm getting more kills, but I'm still a 20/80 underdog probably in any given one on one fire fight. It's not like Halo where you can take a ton of damage. The learning curve is pretty brutal.

    I really don't foresee a solo victory in my future without some crazy luck.


  3. 24 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    The difference is that some position groups saw adjustments and improvement, while others stayed the same.

    That's a fair point. It's also worth noting that it's difficult to see that improvement in real game situations when your 6'4" stud is on the bench during your 3 plays inside your opponent's 10 yard line instead of going for corner jump balls. Just an example of strange personnel calls that influence our perceptions.

    Some of our WRs seemed to really regress. Others seem to be making progress. So how much of this is legitimate and how much is perception influenced on what we're getting to see on the field?

    • Like 2
  4. Legit question.

    Who is responsible deciding on personnel grouping on each play? Is it the person calling the plays? Is it position coaches?

    This seemed to be a huge handicap for consistency last year, and might be contributing to the whole perception of which players/coaches are ass due to the weird rotations at times.

  5. On 3/29/2018 at 1:12 PM, Richter said:

    I had the exact same experience as all of you.  I'd play match after match with no kills and then get ambushed.  It still happens some times but I've finally gotten better.  I can't build as fast as everyone else yet, but I think I've finally started to get more of the hang of the game.  It took lots and lots of matches though and I can't remember another game that took me so long to gain basic competency.


    I learned a few things. 1) My 13 year old is a terrible coach.  2) If you want to get better at combat, you just have to go at it. Tilted is not the place, though. Plenty of other hot spots can help you get target practice. Shotguns at close range. When your opponent is jumping around, they have to land on the ground. Patience. Bam.

    I still suck, but it's pretty addictive.

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