You're right in a way. Jimmy James is way off on his prediction and Trumpers aren't going to all of a sudden reject white supremacy because the vast majority of them have been rejecting it their entire lives. This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better no matter how the election goes. The Trump movement isn't a pro-Trump movement. He is the medium, not the message. The Trump movement is a reject the radical leftness of the Democrat Party movement. It is only pro-Trump in the sense that Trump is the only "Republican" with the balls to sling the shit back at the media and the Democratic establishment (toe-mate-toe, toe-mot-toe) instead of trying to placate them. We want someone to fight the Democrat agenda, not someone who will cut the least shittiest deal with them. And I can only sado-masochistically imagine what the collective mental sanity of the left will be if Trump gets re-elected.