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Everything posted by EMAWesome

  1. He has got the entire Democrat Party to expose themselves as the frauds and wanna be dictators they actually are. He has got the mainstream media to expose themselves as the the ass kissing, taint licking, gutless Democrat Party toadies and suck ups they actually are. He has shown what happens when government bureaucrats (particularly those working in intelligence gathering divisions) are left to their own devices without adequate Congressional and citizens oversight. He has done a ton of good things the problem is too goddamn many idiots in this country have poked their own eyes out in order to avoid looking at them.
  2. https://www.ocregister.com/2020/05/01/governor-newsom-puts-politics-ahead-of-data-in-california-shutdown/ https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/4/23/21231377/florida-beaches-reopening-coronavirus-social-distancing https://slate.com/business/2020/04/coronavirus-parks-beaches-open-them.html
  3. You mean like closing beaches when every scientific study suggests they are one of the safest places you can be during this?
  4. I'm sure Upper Westside can write an entire how to book on this. The first thing he does every time he logs in is look for my posts.
  5. Not actually satirical enough to belong here but aren't the rules made here made to be broken?
  6. I'm just waiting for the Cloak Room's think tank to make their case for how Matt Taibbi is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Fox News.
  7. Because he was the incoming National Security Advisor and the Russian he was talking to was their ambassador to the U.S.
  8. You are going to have to listen to Dan Bongino's podcast and in particular the part where he posts the the FISA surveillance law on screen. He puts all the pieces together. I'll give you a hint though. Flynn was never unmasked. There were no unmasking requests between the time the phone call was made and when the Obama administration is made aware of the call. That is because there is one person in the country who can authorize an electronic surveillance request for a year without a FISA application. That person is the President of the United States and can only be done if the Attorney General signs off that there is not a substantial chance of an American's communication being caught up in it. I know the question you are going to ask and Bondino answers it. The request wasn't to survey Flynn it was to survey the Russian ambassador. However Flynn was in the Domincian Republic at the time of the call and they knew it. If they went through the records all they had to do was look for a call to the Dominican Republic from the Russian ambassador. Who else would he be calling in the Dominican Republic?
  9. Here's a sentence I never thought I would type two years ago. Matt Taibbi expresses my thoughts better than I can. Bold parts are my emphasis. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/democrats-have-abandoned-civil-liberties
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