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Everything posted by EMAWesome

  1. The only thing I am upset about is that these are only two hours long. They should go on like a Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon. Not only is it much better entertainment than MSNBC's regular programming it gives them more shovels to keep digging that hole with. Seventy percent of Americans like the economy and they spent the whole night acting like we are in the middle of The Great Depression. Jack Torrance thinks these candidates are out of touch with reality.
  2. If she is so fucking smart why did she allow herself to do that stupid DNA test that is going to haunt her her entire campaign especially if she wins the Democrat nomination?
  3. There is no woman in the human race as unlikable as Hillary Clinton.
  4. If the candidates consider any of these people to be political consultants or experts in how to run a campaign I could beat any of them for any office.
  5. Takes issues seriously? They wouldn't even answer the damn question that was asked to them.
  6. Ha, ha, the clear winner tonight is Trump. The more of these that get shown on TV the more people can see what a shitshow the entire Democrat Party has become. Here is the entire Democrat Party platform for 2020. 1. Envy 2. Jealousy If Trump can't beat these idiots in an election he deserves to lose. All of these candidates combined do not have enough critical thinking ability to fill a thimble.
  7. You are trying to win the 2020 election. Do you think that is going to happen if you tell the people you are trying to get to vote for you that either they are going to have to pay more or get less in benefits when everyone else on the stage is promising free health care, free education, and free unicorns to the same voters?
  8. She's angry about children being murdered yet supports abortions at nine months. Interesting campaign strategy, let's see how it works for her.
  9. Which means that 86.6% of the population do not. What block is more likely to help you win an election especially when you consider how many of that 13.4% also speak English.
  10. Those are rust belt states who do not like the idea of competing for jobs against illegal immigrants. Do you think they are going to vote for a candidate who is flat out pandering for illegal immigrants?
  11. They do understand that the more Spanish they speak the fewer people in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are going to vote for them? You know the three states that cost them the 2016 election.
  12. Basic human rights are not things government gives you. Basic human rights are things God gives you that government can not take away. Besides that what she is proposing is not Medicare for All. It is Bankruptcy for All. The reason why some politicians say Medicare for All is not possible is because they have done the math and it is not possible. State governments in those bright red states of California, New York, Vermont, and Colorado have all done the math on this and they all concluded it is not possible.
  13. No they don't. If you have full reproductive abilities you are a woman. Men do not have uteruses or ovaries. Party of science and all that horseshit.
  14. I also see that MSNBC has received their message from the DNC. Every other question is being directed to Warren.
  15. Was he the one with the "there is plenty of money it is just in the wrong hands" answer? Is the idea of a politician deciding whose money should be in whose hands scare the fuck out of anyone but me or am I the only sane one here? If they have the power to take someone else's money and give it to you they also have the power to take your money and give it to someone else.
  16. As much as I would love to participate in a drinking game during this debate I will instead save my alcohol for a time when it is more necessary. Like if one of these clowns actually wins the election.
  17. Then why didn't she phrase it as "we need to stop this whole Russian thing in 2020" instead of "this whole Trump thing in 2020"?
  18. Incoming Texas freshmen threatened with doxxing if they join conservative campus groups https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=13363
  19. Do you often eat at restaurants that do not have knives?
  20. They are not being put there because of their race. They are being put there because there isn't any place else to put them. If you put Mexico where Sweden is on a map and put Sweden where Mexico is on a map and Sweden's political and economic structure was the same clusterfuck as Mexico's and millions of Swedes were overwhelming the border trying to claim political asylum you would still have the same situation and the same problems that have come with it. Only it would be Swedes in the centers while Mexicans would be making Volvos.
  21. There are still people who claim Jessie Smollet is a victim of racism. Would it be time to stop and look around if you defended the Chicago Police Department against his claims? If you are trying to win a debate by saying any time some particular word or phrase is used the debate is over then you are losing the debate.
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