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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. and signed with Boras - seeing big money is his future, props to him!
  2. Pablo

    Welcome to Wrexham

    This looks pretty great, I'm in.
  3. I used mlb66 all season up until 2 months ago when I subbed to Fubo for CWS and Major golf. Looks like I need to keep that sub going. Shame too mlb66 it so good.
  4. Denied again, thinking about doing that next year, too. First time applying was in 2015. Next year, I'll just apply for 1 ticket in the practice rounds.
  5. I enjoy the USMNT and the country competitions, but haven't delved into the club soccer teams.
  6. Good point, which makes me feel better about not having gotten in following European soccer.....yet.
  7. I knew some of that back story, but lost track of him around 2020 while my own life went off the rails. I enjoyed his interview show while it was on, but whatever, if he wants to go make more duckets, that's fine. Just don't sign that deal and say its to benefit the game.
  8. Damn. Big Feherty fan here, that's gonna move the needle for legitimacy at least from a fans perspective.
  9. I'm sure we won't get to see many of them
  10. Ho hum, Jordan birdies 18, got back that error on 17
  11. shot tracker finally updated, looks like his 2nd shot went past green, ended up with a bogey
  12. agreed, its hard to get into this when all they have to do it show the fucking shots. show us the creativity not just some birdie puts
  13. Tulo was scouting for us when he went to USC to "interview" lol
  14. Several episodes previous. If I remember right, he was sorta going manic and going down there calmed him down.
  15. Guess we lost Xander's escape from the bunker in the switchover. He looks to be dropping another shot, gonna get interesting!
  16. that was when the ump said aww fuck, lol
  17. we need a few every now and then
  18. that might be a bit steep, I'd have to fire my butler
  19. put me in the loop for a baseball NIL sub, this has always been my first love of UT sports.
  20. Pablo


    anywhere convenient site streaming these episodes now?
  21. I would love to move to Colorado or any state with "radical left" leaning politics, especially if it involved legal recreational weed use. After a divorce during the pandemic and no family ties to Houston now, I think this is heavily in my plans for the near future. My problem is my employer right now requires 4 days in the office a week and I don't see that changing in the immediate future. Interested to read more responses.
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