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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. fuck yeah, TSteve!
  2. looks safe on that replay
  3. First Base coach is just as fat, must be good eating as a baseball coach
  4. Floyd's strike zone is like a postage stamp and he can't find it, lmao
  5. watching these bitches some more, gawd those Vol unis are terrible
  6. nice slide piece!
  7. Southard with a really bad meltdown, damn. Non-leg-day skipping Nixon coming in...
  8. Clutch Silas, is great! Remember Keith on opening night say Silas was gonna be key this year.
  9. we're fixing all of them
  10. have a day, Ivan!!
  11. 2nd time that Vol got rung up on close pitches. Sit down biiiitch!
  12. yeah, fuck, cmon pen
  13. Sthele on for Pete
  14. hahahahahahaha, love to see it
  15. Happy Endings fan?
  16. this motha fucker skips leg day
  17. way to get it started, EK!
  18. Fuck yeah, Pete!
  19. good guys can't touch that slider
  20. fucking rookie cameramen, good job, good effort
  21. working fine on Astros.com
  22. gawdamnit, that's fucking enraging
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