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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. Melendez had a heavy hit to right, followed by a heavy relay throw and a heavy tag for the out at 3rd.
  2. Sling Orange + Sling Sports Extra is how I've got it now, not ideal, but there is access to A LOT of college baseball, not just the Horns.
  3. I obviously loved Gus and Augie, but you're right, when is the right question. I didn't realize the difference was only 1 year between Pierce and Graham.
  4. I enjoyed Graham's interview. Made me wish we had been able to pull him away from Rice
  5. I haven't watched this one yet, but here is a pretty good explanation of how she came up with the accent. i'm a big fan of hers, but do appreciate the JT memes in the Ozark thread, lol. https://mashable.com/video/julia-garner-inventing-anna-accent
  6. I loved this show. Caught the rec to watch it here and it delivered. I binged the entire show this afternoon/evening. I just couldn't stop watching. I too thought the child cult with landmines was just pushed aside too easily, but everything else with Kirsten and Jeevan was just so good, I had to finish. Since I haven't watched The Leftovers, it sounds like I gotta put this on my list.
  7. Pablo


    This is great news! More Raylan Givens is gonna be legendary!
  8. Pablo

    Justin Tucker

    the goat
  9. Never watched this show, but was worried it was a lame attempt at a spy/conspiracy type show by NBC. Opinions?
  10. I've had two of these from Total Wine and agree, they were both delicious.
  11. Damn, Spider. That sucks, but at least you got through the worst of it. My symptoms haven't been to bad, but started coughing tonight. I should get PCR results tomorrow but it seems like my rapid positive test was correct.
  12. It'll be interesting how this is handled, if there is an announcement of any kind. There hasn't been any announcement previously of any single person having Covid, we only heard through the rumor mill.
  13. Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear on that part, brain fog and all that. They want to know that your Covid positive if you're symptomatic, so they can deal with HR issues such as first onset of symptoms, people I interacted with at the office and things like that. From my knowledge, we've had a pretty good run at our corporate office with avoiding outbreaks, but this time it could be different.
  14. I have a few reasons to know. One being I'm asthmatic and want to know for my future health prospects. The other is that I have to go into the office where I work. I can't just tell them yeah, I think I've got Covid, I'm gonna stay home for 10 days, see you in 2022. No, I've got to give them proof of a positive test. It turns out, our lunch group at the office all likely have it now as two of us tested positive today.
  15. Two rounds of Pfizer here, no booster, but started getting symptoms on Thursday night, feverish, body aches and freezing cold. Couldn't sleep. Had plans to get a hair cut and drive down to Austin to see the parents for Christmas, but that wasn't going to happen. Didn't want to make them sick, they aren't vaccinated and were both hospitalized this past April for Covid. Christmas Eve day, no more aches, but lots of sinus pressure and a sore throat. Come to find out my friend from work had the exact same symptoms almost exact time as me. He seemed to have worse symptoms, higher fever, cough and sore throat. He tried to get a test around Houston town but no luck. Christmas day, felt better, nose started to drain, no more fatigue, just mild cold symptoms. Today, I ventured out to get a test to see what this shit is, after a fiasco with Harris Public Health in Aldine, I got a Rapid and PCR test down by NRG. My friend from work gave me this location and he was about an hour ahead of me. My friend was in line about an hour before me, and he got a negative rapid test. I popped positive on rapid. We'll both get our PCR tests in a few days to see what the real results are I guess.
  16. this is a great idea, HE. I think cucumbers are vile and disgusting, but I've never tried Sotol, so I may have to give this a try.
  17. Pablo

    RIP Dad

    Sounds like a great man, so sorry for your loss. Hook'em!
  18. i appreciate the post, but it is kool-aid, sir
  19. oh the irony
  20. Crane/Click/et al, better be sharpening up their pencils now. this is getting heated
  21. damn, I've gotta look at that. would be a great trip
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