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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. I feel you, I just got some work to do and its hard to keep up, but I agree, its amazing. I had to trim my faves down to just Jordan and JT.
  2. The My Group feature is like watching the broadcast on speed. hard to stay focused on your favorites, the leaders on the course AND great shots, while working.... c'mon, Masters.com!
  3. Nice sand save from Jordan and followed up with the bird on #2
  4. Jordan safely extricated himself there from the straw
  5. Jordan with a touchdown and extra point, fuuuuuuuug
  6. ugh, yeah that was brutal. had been driving greatly up to that point
  7. never to early for that, c'mon man!
  8. fucking blue, rings up Breggy on the worst of those pitches
  9. Back to back Jacks Tucker and Diaz
  10. Hell yeah, Jordan! I bet it feels amazing to get back in the W column.
  11. bats looked impressive Greinke was Greinke 1 down lfg
  12. Pablo

    2021 MLB Thread

    DBacks launch 4 bombs in 5th to chase Darvish and take a 7-6 lead in San Diego. Baseball!!
  13. Yep, watching this today on the Roku assuming it’ll blackout my Astros game though, so I’ll need to hit Reddit’s mlbstreams
  14. New schedule allows for one W@H day per week for the rest of the year, today is my first one. Lets fucking go, Stros!
  15. Tula’s drama is so over hyped. I’m gonna put him in every time. You never win!! liked the double guy elimination, just wish Devin pulled it off. He needs to realize he needs to tone it down some like Wes did over the years. Looks like a food challenge is up next week so that’ll eliminate some weak ones, Kam & CT have most experience here I think.
  16. What model is this, looks mean from this view? I'm in the market for something new and this looks like something I could get down with.
  17. I’ll tell her that some guy on the internet hopes you die because you don’t want a vaccine, lol! Maybe that’ll change her mind. actually it’s much worse, one of my cousins has her believing that some frequency gadget can heal her and she believes it because my cousin has a chemistry degree from aggy.
  18. My parents are heavily anti-vax as of the last few years. Mom is early 70s, Dad is early 80s. She’s in good health, however Dad has had some challenges with strokes over the last few years. Both of them should be getting but I can’t get them to listen.
  19. Last ep was really strong with character building. Also directed by Jay Chandrasekhar, who usually works on good shows.
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