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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. I know, I sound like a bitch right now. BCM called me back and I rescheduled for this coming Saturday, they also said if I had concerns I could speak to a vaccination nurse this week. I was pointed to an article on another post, right after my first shot after severe symptoms: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.29.21250653v1.full-text If I don't need to get a 2nd shot, that's 1 more for someone else.
  2. I’m not entirely sure what those results mean. Just reading more about them now. I had some really nasty stuff in January of 2020. Tested negative for flu. Didn’t know about the loss of senses at the time but I don’t remember having that or noticing that post lockdown I was fairly safe, always masked up, avoided crowds Riskiest behavior was eating lunch inside with coworkers but never had any obvious symptoms. had 1st vax shot 3 weeks ago and was scheduled for 2nd today but thinking about skipping it altogether now My test was the Covid Healgen test at AnyLabTestNow.
  3. Just got results from a rapid antibody test IgG: presumptive postive IgM: presumptive positive Guess I can skip vax shot #2
  4. If I did, it was asymptomatic. Never had obvious symptoms to warrant a test.
  5. Scheduled to get 2nd shot of Pfizer this afternoon. First shot gave me a pretty severe reaction. Fever up to 103 up to 48 hours after the shot. I had a follow up with my GP and she said to go ahead with the 2nd shot. Some thoughts on this forum and medical journals said its not necessary. I thought about going to get a rapid antibody test today, but I wouldn't know what I'm looking at.
  6. LA Times reporter on CNN said his sources say a shattered ankle and compound fractures of both legs. Hope it’s not the last time we see him compete.
  7. I agree with @AUS-97HORN in that if Gabby/Devin decide to go down, they make it a guys elimination. I would expect them to go for the higher drama than letting 2 miniscule chicks in Hall Brawl. Especially with the added 3 rounds of collisions from returning the ball to your side. Just thinking this trough, surely Gabby would've beat tiny Amber and then selected Fessy. That leaves Cory and Devin without partners, so Aneesa has choose one of them. Would she choose Cory over Devin whom she's already made jokes about Cory not keeping a partner. I wish this timeline would've happened.
  8. Is Lolo quitting? I thought TJ said something like this ends your time for now when Theresa was eliminated.
  9. Sadly Big T isn’t even a rookie, that chose to bring her back. Natalie seemed like a contender but the others really are meh.
  10. Gabby fucked up, sure, but Devon was not going to let her put him up against Cory in a Hall Brawl. Amber M got trucked by Amber B, but she still wasn’t impressive. Just because she played some rugby. CT’s description of that was perfect! I forgot already, what was the security breach?
  11. Houston apartment dweller here, just northwest of downtown. Lost power around 3 AM. My apt has been getting some good warming from the sun and stayed pretty warm last night while I complied with ERCOT’s requests. however, gonna be interesting when it’s pitch black in here after sundown. I have a gas stove but no fireplace and friends in The Heights with a generator at their home. So they might be getting a friend for the night.
  12. Started watching tonight, really enjoyable. Nice overall storyline going to keep you going to the next.
  13. What shitshow performance from Theresa. I mean Kaycee’s probably got 10 years on her. The editing on this elimination was awful. Theresa seemed to move nowhere while Kayce flew around to both pegs. I hate these BB twats, like Kyle & Devin I want to see them gone.
  14. Kam & Aneesa only have gold skulls I think
  15. None of these rookie girls save Gabby have looked like they breathed on a dumbbell. i’m hoping none of them return.
  16. I felt like Nani was channeling some truth there. Theresa is pretty fit and Nani always comes up short.
  17. Watching coverage today infuriates me that the Rs are going to acquit because they deem it unconstitutional, when it clearly isn’t. Fucking maddening.
  18. Started watching PlutoTV after cutting the cord recently. Found The Challenge TV Channel and damned if I haven't left this on non-stop for the last few days laid up after my rona vax shot. I've watched all or parts of about 4 different seasons. The final of Invasion of the Champions is on right now. that was a pretty great season. Rivals III was on earlier ad prior to that was Bloodlines, which was meh.
  19. Overall I’m definitely feeling better just not all the way back to normal yet.
  20. Its day 3 post my 1st shot and I've still got a 99 fever. Sticking to my every 6 hour regiment of Tylenol.
  21. I never had obvious symptoms loss of taste or smell. I had one episode of high fever and body aches around Thanksgiving last year, but it was only one day. I also had a crazy chest cold back in January of 2020. Never got tested, but never thought I needed to. I am wondering if I could learn anything after 10 days from an antibody test?
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