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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. Season looks like it'll have a LOT of drama, lets fukin go!
  2. damn, I don't remember them. might need to hit them up tomorrow.
  3. social media would have us believe it has a lot to do with AB not AI. Alex Bregman, lol
  4. Can't argue with those thoughts either, Truth deserts are highly recommended. Sides at Truth were a little lack luster last time I was there if that is important.
  5. I'd go Pinkerton's over Truth based on my recent visits, especially if you dig pork ribs.
  6. he needs to learn to lean into the mic, couldn't hear half of what he said
  7. @Scraps any idea who was the young kid who came up on stage and attempted to sing? is this a normal part of his tour?
  8. I was there, opposite side of you. Isbell fucked pretty hard. Zach then came out and said it was embarrassing to follow Jason.
  9. Saw it twice this weekend, once in 3D. 3D wasn't really worth it, but the movie itself, was incredibly funny, maybe even moreso the 2nd time.
  10. He's the opposite of Selina Meyers Veep, its awesome!
  11. so I'm in Houston, sounds like I am still subject to blackouts if I pay for the single team only package?
  12. Now that TdF is over, will most of the cycling be on MAX now?
  13. I just finished watching the Netflix series on this and got damn, I can't wait to see this season's recap.
  14. Eating some crow today. Had very little hope, especially losing Tucker and the pitchers that this team was capable of this so fast. Lets keep it going boys!
  15. aww damnit, the one day I decide to watch the replay, I miss Cav getting 35 live.
  16. Pog was fantastic! Remco really impressed. It was wild to see no Visma team left at the end while, Pog still had 3 strong guys. Last 2 years, it was the complete opposite for Pog.
  17. This is what I do, turn it on and go back to sleep. Wake up a little later and finish it up.
  18. you're like a savant or something 😁
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