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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. This show is really great! I don't think its dumb at all. It took a lot of risks with so many people in their first roles on TV, certainly Dave and GaTa were top notch for their first acting gigs.
  2. I haven't watched yet, but if you pair up 1/2 of The Americans with 1/2 of Orphan Black, this show should kill.
  3. Pablo

    Black Pumas

    thanks for this link, these guys are great. needed some groovy relaxing tunes after listening to hardcore rap/rock lately
  4. Been rolling with RTJ for a few years now. RTJ4 is really fucking good. was really looking forward to the RATM/RTJ tour this year, gonna have to plan for next year.
  5. hope to see my new favorite team on TV soon, the SK Wyverns!
  6. This dumbass at work just walked by my area and starts talking to a co-worker and says, "my son is home with a high fever" and then proceeds to talk with her about bullshit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile i'm over here in my cube covering my mouth and nose with anything resembling a mask. I chatted on teams to HR and was like get this bitch outta here. She finally walks away and I go over to HR and grab the Lysol and start spraying the area. HR rep comes back and says its unrelated and he's got the same thing she did last week. Yeah, CORONAVIRUS... RIP Surly
  7. Sidenote: Prion disease is terrible. My wife's mother died from a form of it called CJD. Unfortunately, it was the genetic kind and my wife was unfortunate enough to inherit the gene. It has royally fucked up her life and our relationship.
  8. yeah, i agree, but there's a lot of guilt for me to kick her to the curb. thinking about getting a place by myself to get away. it's amicable now, but I'd feel better without her around all the time. at least i don't care if she's doing something somewhere else
  9. 46 here, no kids, good job, good money, good friends i work with, boss isn't a douche and respects me; personal and work life i can't complain about however, been married for 19 years, but just caught my wife cheating for the 2nd time or more that i'm aware of. Not having this happen again, so divorce is looming. Trying to figure out finances and our apartment lease doesn't end for 10 months. Guess i need to start hitting that divorce thread up.
  10. such a classic episode, rep all around George Costanza: I've discovered something even better than conjugal visit sex... *fugitive sex*. Now, it's like every time [Jerry interrupts] Jerry: George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on.
  11. Thanks for posting, Hank, that was worth the read. quoting good ol' Mark Grace, "if you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough"
  12. Griffey Jr should have been the first unanimous player. fucking NY media
  13. there wasn't anything obvious about OSU being better. Clemson and OSU were very evenly matched, but Clemson had the experience and the bigger playmakers. it was a great game...
  14. Pablo

    Mr. Robot

    Season 1 setup a great story, and while Seasons 2-3 were average, Esmail killed it with his final vision. Everything clicked this season, especially during the heist episode. Can't wait to watch it again. Goodbye, friend
  15. this saddens me, knowing that Luhnow was cognizant and maybe directed this type of cheating. it also enrages me that the "power" clubs will get no foul and we'll be bearing the full brunt of this fiasco
  16. BOOM
  17. Rendon will command a lot of cash. No telling what Crane/Luhnow do, but if they're going to pony up a ton of cash, I'd rather they sign Cole over Rendon, our offense is already terrific.
  18. so happy the club wasn't afraid to draft another SS when they already Correa. Bregs is a badass.
  19. Glassrea is such a beatdown
  20. i could use a pre-sale link. i will be out of town for the deep postseason.
  21. Just returned from 8 days in and around Quito and spent two days in Cuenca, visiting the Ingapirca Ruins. Cuenca was such a beautiful town to walk around at night. We ran across the gorgeous central plaza and the nearby church, while trying to find the highly recommended restaurant, Tiesto's Cafe. When we arrived, we did not have reservations, but the Chef/Owner greeted us and told us to sit at the bar while they got a table for us. We assumed that it was because we had two white Americans in our party of 4. He then explained what we should eat and how good his meat was. We ate like kings that night and also had excellent table-side service. We also did the Ingapirca Ruins and the gold/silver town of Chordeleg. Don't go there unless you like 90s era jewelry, but the Ruins and the drive up there was awesome. One of our friends grew up in Quito, so he was a our host throughout the trip in and around Quito, Cumbaya, Guayllabamba, Otavallo, Atuntaqui. We had expectations to do a lot of hiking, but we ended up loving the small towns, central plazas and drank a lot of wine, rum & canelazos.
  22. quoted for truth
  23. man, what a horrible piece of shit. eye for an eye, put this guy in a car and light that shit on fire.
  24. Stros, Yanks and Dodgers gonna be a fun end to this season!
  25. I remember watching as El Ced punished Westlake in that high school playoff game and eagerly awaited his arrival on the 40 Acres. I knew he had his ups and downs, but it seems like he was an incredible guy that has passed way too soon. RIP, Ced
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