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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. damn good story, thanks for posting, Mez2. I love me some A-Breg.
  2. Glorious! I would just love to have a pour, need to get to a bourbon bar here.
  3. I could get my parents to grab me one, but then I'd have to go visit them. #surlyson
  4. Premiere Spirits on Holcomb has a bit of a different selection. Found a tasty store pick 1792 Full Proof, which they seem to have quite a bit of.
  5. forgot to quote you in the reply
  6. That's pretty good juice, seeing it around town a lot lately, not too scarce. It has a good reputation as the best of the OF varieties, except for the unicorn, OF BBB.
  7. I was in there around 5-6pm. The Russell's Reserve SiB was a store pick from the Houston Bourbon Consortium(?). I'd really like to grab a RY10, but have yet to see one in a store around the inner loop. any tips?
  8. Goody Goody on Woodway had a 1.75 and 750 Eagle Rare yesterday. I decided against those, maybe against better judgment and grabbed their last Weller 107 on the shelf and a Russell's Reserve SiB. Cashier told me that they had Blanton's earlier in the day, but sold out in a few hours.
  9. completely jealous, BigD.
  10. I’d love to grab one too
  11. Solid Huge, will visit them tomorrow! Need to stop hitting my store pick 1792 Full Proof and savor it awhile.
  12. On Altuve, we’re up 4-5 games on Oakland without a full lineup. I think the front office is just being extra cautious with Corrrea & Altuve, so they can be right in September and the post season. With the extended post season last year and brief offseason some guys needed some extra downtime. If we were fighting for the division or not in first I bet they wouldn’t have been so cautious.
  13. Looking for some OGD 114 around HOU, anyone seen some around. I’m mostly around the inner loop.
  14. Gonna have to do all my shopping at Nasa, but damn that's a drive.
  15. i didn't know Spec's acquired them. Their selection hasn't been great, although I did find some ER10 there recently. I won't be wasting my time there anymore.
  16. Reed's fatter and slower than White and you know how WE feel about White
  17. That's the last time I visit him also, those prices were high af. Going to check out Houston Wine Merchant on my next expedition. Interested in that Whisky lottery they run.
  18. Security Consultant Mike was great. At first, I'm like wtf, but then it clicked. He wants to earn that check and put his name out there.
  19. Went to Sunny's in the H tonight. Weller Reserve - $59 ER10 - $79 4R SiB - $79 Stagg Jr - $79 KO - $299 went over to Richard's and grabbed a Henry McKenna BiB for $32
  20. Fisher has been a huge disappointment. He's destroyed his trade value this season. Hell, we were even able to trade Moran after he obliterated his face.
  21. I hit you with some rep, was a close enough call for me!
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