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Posts posted by HookEm

  1. Quote

    He has made sure to capitalize any time that he has had a good season and parlayed that momentum into a better gig. 

    Well, you know... except the time he made it to the National Title game.... He stuck around after that year.  

    Take a look at Bill Self.  1 year at Kansas (assistant) --> 6 years at Okie State (assistant) --> 4 years at Oral Roberts --> 3 years at Tulsa --> 3 years at Illinois --> Kansas.  Guess what, good coaches upgrade continually until they reach the pinnacle.  

    I also love how he gets no credit for having a better year after after losing an All-American point guard.  Most teams take a step back in that case.

    That may be the worst article I have read in the last month. And I have read some stupid crap. 

  2. 17 hours ago, Machinator said:


    UTEP would be a bad move for Golding IMO.  First, I'm not sure UTEP is actually even a better job, period. Not to mention that Golding is an ACU graduate and former player.  He has shepherded the program through the transition to Division 1 and finally has them competing at a high level.  Their win % has gone up just about every single year over the last seven years:  32%, 42%, 45%, 50%, 79%, 65%, 83% - and most of the major contributors are back next year.

    Moreover, ACU has a very large endowment ($425M), by far the largest in the Southland Conference, double UTEP and bigger than all but Rice and UAB in C-USA. The money is there for ACU to show him some love.  

    The recent win vs. Texas is going to be transformational in terms of fan support.  I would imagine he will want to stick around for a bit.  And if he is leaving it will be for something bigger than UTEP.

  3. Having 1,200 players in the portal is actually great for us.  We need players and there are a TON to chose from.  Beard has shown that he is great at navigating the portal and he will be able to select exactly who he wants to construct the team how he wants it.  He isn't inheriting a team full of players who will have to "unlearn" bad habits. He can start basically from zero with his guys. 

    Plus, the fact that there will be HUGE turnover across all teams in cbb will definitely favor the teams with great coaches, who can get the new players to buy in and play as a team QUICKLY.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. Quote

     I’ve never seen a team with better guard play in my life and I’m 42 and have watched many tourneys. 

    I was unbelievably impressed with Davion Mitchell.  His defense is unreal for a college player.  Just tremendously disruptive.  Playing on ball defense an inch off his man all the way out to half court.  And the guys he was dominating are the cream of the crop.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Sir Ulrich said:

    In case anybody was wondering who runs the state of Texas, in the past 5 days we were able to poach 15% of the sitting D1 HCs in the state of Texas.

    Kind of funny post when Baylor just won the first basketball national title in the state of Texas in like 50 years.  But your point stands. 

  6. I'm not a big GSW fan, but like the potential for their team going forward.  Wiseman just turned 20 a few days ago.  Big men always take longer to develop. He will be a good player. 

    The difference between Oubre and Klay is just monumental.  Oubre shoots 30% from 3 this year vs. Klay's lifetime 42%.  That is huge.  Plus Klay has much better chemistry with the team, defense, leadership, etc.  Massive upgrade.  But it is really even bigger than that.  When Klay is back in the starting lineup, Oubre will get Bazemore's and Damion Lee's minutes.  So effectively it is Klay vs. Bazemore / Lee.  Those two are.... not great. 

    Then you have Wiggins. He just turned 26 a few weeks ago and still has room for growth. He is shooting a career best from 3 (40%) and 2 (47.5%).  His turnovers are down. He is rebounding at the best rate of his career.  When Klay is back, even more pressure will be lifted off of him.  He can definitely be the 4th or 5th best guy on a championship squad.

    Steph will be a solid player for as long as he plays.  Draymond gonna Draymond. He isn't what he was, but the team will be less reliant on him if Wiseman can keep developing.

    Then you have a potential top 4-6 pick this year to add to the mix.  

  7. 3 hours ago, Herpa Derpa said:

    So was your ignorance willful or do just really not understand the world around you and the words you use?

    I guess the later.  I mean, if I call someone a shit-head, I'm not really visualizing them with a piece of shit for a head.  I just mean that they are a pain to deal with.  Once I called something "stupid" and my kids (young at the time) freaked out because I used "THE S WORD!".  Words can have different meaning to different people I supposed.

    Over the course of my life I've used words like retarded or gay and gradually retired them as I have come to realize that they carry extra meaning to some people and can be especially hurtful.   Cocksucker, while offensive, has never been a gay slur for me.  Asked my wife if it was a gay slur and she was like wut?????  Doesn't really matter to me because I seldom use the term as it carries enough offense regardless of intent.

  8. If you call a male a bitch, you are saying he is acting like a woman. Men who act like women or do female sex acts like sucking cock are gay. So I believe calling a man a bitch or a pussy would be homophobic in today’s environment.

    Is that how it works? Trying to keep up.

  9. There is a psychological term for those who view other human beings as mere tools for their own gratification and aggrandizement. The term is sociopath. Whether or not the Tech fanbase fits the clinical definition of a sociopath, I cannot say. But what I can say with complete certainty is that their behavior in using Chris Beard for their personal gratification was sociopathic.

  10. I understand the disappointment from Tech fans but the bullshit from Hocutt? He’s a god damned UT grad for fucks sake. How do you not understand him taking this job. 

    Ummm. Hocutt played for K-State and has a masters from OU. Don’t see any relationship to UT.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Brock Cunning is the perfect Chris Beard player. He is going to be the most hated player in the conference by the time Beard is through with him.

    Andrew Jones should also look at Beard's success with getting some of his forwards drafted into the NBA.

    Liddell, Hamm and Williams would all also be wise to consider sticking around. Beard will help them take that chip on their shoulder and leverage it into a good finish to their college careers.

  12. 5 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Denial about being a stepping stone school?  Absolutely.

    Has an alphabetized list of at least 40 schools he would leave Tech for if they called him?  Absolutely.

    I don't think this is actually true. I think there are only 3-4 schools he would have actually left Tech for.

  13. My only fear is that his hard-ass, lunch pail, underdog approach may actually work better with the guys he was recruiting to Tech.  At Texas he will get much higher quality recruits who will need a different style of coaching.  I think he will be up for it though. 

    My dream would be for us to have a Michigan-State level of success here - and I think Tom Izzo could be a reasonable comp for Beard's ceiling here. He is also known for his defensive wizardry and ability to coach up his players.  And to some degree he prefers to take 3-4 year players instead of the one and dones. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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