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Posts posted by HookEm

  1. I think we can all agree that if he improves on the success this year with an even better year next year, that will be a major accomplishment.

    Once again, I’m much more optimistic about next year than Derka. We will very likely be starting 3 senior guards, plus 3 more juniors getting big minutes. That is a ton of returning experience for college hoops. We have had good success getting value out of young bigs, so maybe that will continue.

    Who knows what we will pick up from the transfer portal or who decides to take advantage of the free 5th year.

  2. Came across an interesting trend today. In each of Shaka’s last 5 years, we improved on the win percent from the previous year.

    2017 - 33.3%
    2018 - 55.9%
    2019 - 56.8%
    2020 - 61.3%
    2021 - 73.1%

    Maybe this just reflects the maturation of this group of upper classmen. Or overall better roster management as we finally get some upper class depth at the guard positions and a balanced spread between classes.

  3. The good free throw shooting by our perimeter players is a huge advantage over previous years. Coleman, Ramey, A Jones, Febres and Williams all shoot well over 80%. Kai Jones and Greg Brown are around 70%. That is huge.

    Coaches get grief when players suck at free throws, so I’m going to give them a lot of credit for where we are with this squad. Ramey was a 58% FT shooter as a freshman. The others were mid 70s. They have been putting in WORK to get to this point. We would have lost last night in previous years for this reason.

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  4. What would Houston’s record be playing our schedule? Don’t think it would be 19-7. Would they beat Indiana? And UNC? And WV? And OSU? And sweep Kansas? Not one chance IMO. Their resume is weak AF. I’m gonna fade them big time in the tourney.

  5. We are currently a 2 pt favorite tonight. I like our chances. OSU has been hot but we’ve had an extra day of rest and match up well with them. Ramey and Greg Brown are due for a good game.

    It is crazy that no team from the state of Texas has ever won the Big 12 Tourney. Hopefully we can change that in a few hours.

  6. We now seem to have two “Fire Shaka” threads. If you want to crap on this team and Shaka, post there. This thread is for people who are interested in optimistic discussion of the team, starting with us playing for a Big 12 Title tonight.

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