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Posts posted by HookEm

  1. My view on Shaka is that he is a disappointment and Texas can do better.... But he is also not as bad as many on here think that he is.

    College head coaches have to wear a lot of hats: recruiting (both identifying and landing talent), media, player development, boosters, in game coaching, staff development, player retention, etc. Shaka is not terrible at all of them. I would say that he is actually elite in recruiting, which then sets expectations, which then expose how bad he is at some of the others.

    I also think our view on Shaka should be heavily weighted toward the later half of his tenure here. He was only 37 when he got the job and SHOULD still be learning and improving. The last 3 years haven’t been terrible. In 2019 we won the NIT, but should have made the tourney. Last year we probably would have made the tourney. And this year we will be a 4-6 seed.

    For clarity, I still think we should fire him and can do better. He will never be Bill Self or Tom Izzo and that is what we should be shooting for.

  2. Greg Brown is sooooo close to being a great college player. Still a little too hype out there at times. Trying to do too much and ends up with bad shots, turnovers and goal tends. But all of that will be corrected in the next year or two. Wish it was in burnt orange.

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  3. Well, in fairness he took Jaxson Hayes from the #112 ranked HS recruit and got him drafted #8. And Kai Jones was the #59 recruit and he is looking like a potential lottery pick.

    It isn’t like he is JUST renting 5-star players for a year. There have been some dudes over perform their recruiting rank and he should get as much credit for them as he does blame for the 5-stars who don’t pan out.

  4. Seems easy to compare Derka's post with football data...  

    First number is from Derka's post above.  2nd set of numbers is football recruits from Texas. 

    • 2014 top 13 - 3 BB vs. 1 FB
    • 2015 top 45 - 5 BB vs. 4 FB
    • 2016 top 17 - 4 BB vs. 2 FB
    • 2017 top 56 - 4 BB vs. 5 FB
    • 2018 top 103 - 4 BB vs. 9 FB
    • 2019 top 35 - 5 BB vs. 8 FB
    • 2020 top 100 - 4 BB vs. 9 FB
    • 2021 top 35 - 4 BB vs. 8 FB
    • Total - 33 BB vs. 46 FB

    Better would be to use a standard population set, like top-100.  If we do that we get.

    • 2014 - 7 BB vs. 12 FB
    • 2015 - 9 BB vs. 12 FB
    • 2016 - 9 BB vs. 10 FB
    • 2017 - 4 BB vs. 10 FB
    • 2018 - 5 BB vs. 7 FB
    • 2019 - 9 BB vs. 13 FB
    • 2020 - 4 BB vs. 9 FB
    • 2021 - 5 BB vs. 16 FB
    • Total - 52 BB vs. 89 FB

    Bottom line, there is a TON of great talent coming out of Texas in hoops.  But there is still more football talent.

  5. I made the original post as a bit of a joke.  You can obviously pull stats to support any point you want to make.  If you want to compare Barnes and Shaka at the same age, you get:

    Years coaching at major programs:

    • Barnes:  11
    • Shaka:  12

    Overall Record:

    • Barnes:  202-132 (60.5%)
    • Shaka:  267-140 (65.6%)

    Tourney Record

    • Barnes:  2-6
    • Shaka:  7-7

    Conference Titles

    • Barnes:  0
    • Shaka:  0

    Conference Tourney Champs

    • Barnes:  1
    • Shaka:  2

    Top-25 Finishes

    • Barnes:  1
    • Shaka:  2
  6. Was reading an article talking about seniors getting an extra year this year. Curious if any of our seniors take advantage of it.

    Coleman will probably give the NBA a try and if not that, head to Europe. He is too good to waste another year of earning potential.

    I could see Simms playing another year. But he will probably also try to find a paycheck.

    Given the friction with Hamm, I don’t think he will stay, even though we will need him.

  7. I’m not SUPER worried about a day one flameout with this group. Our worst loss is to OSU in double OT. They are better than who we will play in round 1. According to Massey, our losses are to the #2, #8, #13, #18, #19, and #35 teams. We won’t see teams at that level until the 2nd or 3rd game in the tourney.

  8. Like I said, the first year that Shaka fails to make the Sweet 16, he is gone if the decision is up to me. Say he only makes the round of 32 this year?  Gone. 

    Obviously to take a stance like that, I'm not ignoring the last 6 years.  Nobody fires a coach who wins a tournament game without some extra baggage beyond the current year.  I don't think there is a person on this board who feels "good" about Shaka.  I have felt really good about this particular team at points through the year.  But again, it is going to take a Final 4 run or several Elite 8s for me to give Shaka a reset. That could still happen this year, but a round of 32 exit is probably more likely.

    And really, any talk of whether Shaka should be fired or not is pointless mid-season unless he hits a player or molests someone.  

    So Derka, is there anything that Shaka could do to redeem himself in your mind?  You've mentioned many times it is about the product on the court.  I'm not asking whether you think it is likely, rather what it would take for you do do a 180.  National Title?  3 straight Big-12 Titles?  Anything?

  9. For me, if he makes it to the Sweet 16, I will give him another year. No problem.

    But the slate isn't washed clean until he either makes the Final 4 or gets to at least a couple of Elite 8s. So until that happens, if a year goes by where he doesn't make a Sweet 16, we need to find somebody better.

    Regardless, he isn't going anywhere this year.

  10. I like the “Doom loop” description and can relate. I try hard to keep some optimism and separate how I feel about the coach (and sometimes the individual players) from preventing my enjoyment of wins. It is hard though when the same patterns happen continually.

    I was starting to feel that way with Mack Brown around 2003. We were good but OU had our number and we would step on our dick at the worst times. Then VY happened and all those times are long forgotten.

    A Final Four would do that for Shaka imo. And this team has the potential to get there honestly. 5 of our 6 losses are by a combined 10 points. With great luck we could be 19-1 right now. Of course 6 of our wins are by a combined 15 points. With some terrible luck we could be 8-12. That tells me that the entire spectrum of outcomes is still in play for this team. We could lose out, squeak into the play in and lose there. We could also win out, lose the Big12 Title game to Baylor, get a 2 seed and make it to the Final Four.

    Again for clarity, I would like to upgrade from Shaka, but I’m still capable of changing my mind

  11. They have charged me $40 every 2 days for a couple of weeks. Up to $520 in charges. Cool. They say it is because they didn’t bill me back in November. Wut. I can clearly see all of my transactions and know damn well I haven’t used $520 in tolls.

    Customer service rep was worthless and argumentative. It is really amazing. Think I’m about ready to claim fraud to the credit card company to stop payment.

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