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Posts posted by HookEm

  1. 05a56c4979a67d5094f414685bde3848.jpg

    Now I have a cool filter shaped ice sculpture!

    The ice cracked the top cleanly around the whole thing. Three check valves are toast. Booster pump cracked. I drained the main pump and water feature pump and they look ok. Lots of cracked PVC. Overall I have spent $450 on parts so far on things I KNOW are broke. Hopefully the heater isn’t screwed up.

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  2. “Loyalty means nothing” is not an insignificant tweet. Maybe Hamm was justified because promises were made and not kept. Or maybe his minutes are justified because we have 7-8 guys who are better and he can’t deal with that. Who knows.

    And you can’t really compare his minutes to Febres. They play different positions and one is much deeper than the other.

    I personally don’t want Hamm getting minutes over Sims, K Jones, Brown or Cunningham. Hepa is a push.

    On the other hand at G/SF we have 4 guys to fill 3 positions. Maybe 5 if you count Greg Brown. Febres needs to be get minutes and play well to give us depth in the tourney and to reduce covid risk.

  3. 4 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    HookEm recently made a post which more or less said that Texas has simply lost some very close conference games to some good teams recently, and that everyone who's upset about this is freaking out prematurely. 

    You seem to struggle with reading comprehension. Please go ahead and post a quote where I said everyone was freaking out prematurely.  Or where I said everyone who is upset is a bad fan.  Or where I apologize for Shaka.  I swear you continually pick fights and invent dissenting opinions by default. Under my old handle, we had established years of generally good report, but now I'm starting to understand how you earned your reputation.


    i don't even understand the position of motown and hookem. 

    That is abundantly clear. 

    My point is simple. We have been competitive in every game this year - even Baylor for a good part of the game. We have won a lot of games that I thought we would lose. I still have hope that this team can go on an epic run in the tourney. We are a few missed shots from being a top-5 team and have the talent and capability to turn the ship back around. I hope that we will and am generally still positive on the team, because of the experience and talent of the players... not because of the coaching. 

    For clarity, I think Texas can do better than Shaka and the results of this season won't change my mind barring MAYBE a Final Four run.  He has generally sucked and been a disappointment his entire tenure here.

    You all can disagree with my optimism. That is fine and the team has certainly given people reason to be pessimistic.  It doesn't make you a bad fan and it doesn't make me a sunshine pumper.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Y’all may be right. Who knows. I’m no Shaka apologist. But I’m also not going to cry about the sky falling after a few very close losses where we didn’t have the full squad or even our coach. Shaka’s teams don’t generally crater to end the season.

    We will be favored against TCU, Iowa State and probably WVU.

    And if it is hard for us to beat KU twice, it will be hard for OU and Tech to beat us twice. I think we win at least one of those three.

    I get the feeling many of you hope I’m wrong. Whatever. Maybe I will be.

  5. I'm not hating on your

    21 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    I hadn't seen anyone actually walk this out on the intertrons, so I took 20 while I was eating lunch to mess with it. Based on known delivery promises, below is what we should expect to see over the next few months. By end of May we'll have 80% of the eligible population vaccinated,  or at least the supply to do so.



    Nice chart and I agree with your premise, but we didn't have 9% "fully vaccinated" at the end of January.  Right now we are sitting at 2.74% of the population with two doses.  I think you mean adults with at least one shot.

    I'm also hoping that in your quantities you accounted for the need to get two shots for pfizer and moderna.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I will note that I talked to someone with the UT program (through the UT Dell Medical school), and they are begging people to please NOT show up and hang out hoping for a dose, because UT actually has its shit together, is running its scheduling smoothly, and rarely has any leftover doses (and when they do, it's literally 3-4, and they have easily found people in the hospital/system to take them).

    Other places, though...."show up and hope for leftovers" is a sound strategy.  There is no consistency even area-wide, much less statewide.

    I wonder if this is different if they are administering the doses at a hospital where they can just go two floors down and pull out another few vials from the freezer - vs. being at a high school stadium where they have to transport in vials from a location across the city and can't just put them back in once they are out.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Does anybody know how the hubs are handling extra doses at the end of the day? I would imagine that they don't know until the last minute how many extra doses they are going to have (from getting 6 shots out of 5-shot vials or from no-shows).   It seems like they should have an in-person wait list at the end of the day to distribute them.  Don't think there would be time to start calling people.

    My in-laws got their 2nd vaccine in Lubbock on Saturday.  The volunteers there said that if people show up at 4:00 on the days they have a clinic (this was at the civic center), then they will give them a vaccine if they have any leftover (and they usually do). 

    It has to be a similar situation at the other hubs I would think.  It isn't like they have huge freezers out at these stadiums and civic centers.

  8. I get your sentiment and can agree to a point.  But there are only ~390,000 people 85+ in the state and most of them (especially the immobile ones) are living in living in long-term care facilities and have already been vaccinated. I don't personally know anyone 90+ who hasn't been vaccinated yet.  Do you?

    I'm more talking about the people 70+ who are retired. These are the people I know who are complaining about not getting the vaccine. If you were capable of driving from Tyler to Houston, flying to Ft. Lauderdale and waiting in line 3 hours to get on your cruise, then you are capable of driving to Amarillo and getting in line.  I mentioned Amarillo, but there are vaccines available in pockets around the state if people are willing to hustle and drive. 

    I get that this demographic may not be tech savvy enough to navigate these waters, so they need people our age helping them. I got 4 older folks signed up and vaccinated just yesterday.

    • Like 2
  9. I'm 47, reasonably healthy and father of 3. I have a special set of skills for finding hard to find things. Got the vaccine yesterday after debating it for the last month. I didn't have to falsify anything, but I'm sure I got it in front of some who are more at risk.

    I ultimately decided that at this point, anyone who is 1A or 1B in the state can get one if they truly want one.  Amarillo is first come, first serve for 1A / 1B.  You are guaranteed to get one if you go up there on a Monday.  If you aren't willing to make that drive, then I don't feel too sorry for you if you are indeed at high risk.  It is literally a life or death situation and people are like "well, that sounds too hard I'll just wait until I can get one in Travis County".

    Well sorry, not sorry. I'm going to take initiative to remove this black cloud of depression, anxiety and risk that is hanging over me and my family.

    As an aside,  I also think relying on an honor system for something like this is absolute BS - especially coupled with a very loose and liberal 1B definition that favors people who have not taken care of their health for their whole life.  People shouldn't have to feel guilty about looking after their physical and mental health.  If it is important enough to control distribution, then it is important enough to establish enforceable controls - like distributing by age.  \Rant

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  10. Does anyone know the logistics of how the vaccines are distributed each week? For example, if a hub is allocated 7,000 for the week, do they get them all on the first Friday of that week (which I think is the starting day)?  Or do they get 1,000 a day - totaling 7,000 for the week?  Or in some other way?


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