in all honesty, once you accept that the majority of your countrymen want what is happening, it is easier to kind of...move beyond it.
Americans are shitty. i fought that notion for a very long time, in my own heart and with others who embraced that perspective long ago. i've made arguments before about our innovation and arts and independent spirit and being a force for good in the world.
but...the evidence overwhelmingly disputes what i thought and felt about what my country was. so okay.
and i'll just roll with it on my downslope of life. my nature still prevents me from embracing the outright cruelty and repulsiveness of our 'new' America, but i can still appreciate some good schadenfreude, i do enjoy a good point-and-laugh and 'i told you so' moment and boy do we have a lot of those! 😆
every empire in history has fallen, most from hubris, and the most cruel and loathsome often fall the hardest. we're on our way, and i'm along for the ride bc chance and the universe and my own choices have put me in this exact place and time. which, on a very micro level, is pretty sweet. so okay...i'm just here so i don't get fined.