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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×


Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. a sternly worded letter. i'm sure that will straighten him right out.
  2. so many friends! this lil guy is Toby and he just moved in 3 houses down! we're gonna try some reciprocal dog-sitting... it would be awesome to have someone who knows dachshunds right there! asleep, sitting up, with his face buried in the seam of the couch...
  3. if i lived in the mountains or forests of Colorado or California or Orgeon...or Tennessee or Texas or Montana or Kentucky or West Virginia or SO ON...i would genuinely be terrified.
  4. haha fuck you boomers this belongs in the leopard thread
  5. i mean there's a reason cults are cults. Jim Jones got like 1000 people to not only kill themselves but also their own children. so did David Koresh. a million people believe God used invisible ink to tell John Smith to fuck a bunch teenage girls. for all our higher functions, most humans are pretty damn gullible and malleable. Americans are not special. i think that's my big conclusion...our place will be no more exceptional than a billion others in history. of you can get there^ and embrace it, there really is a kind of calmness. just try for this and not this
  6. mchookem


    i mean we all saw how it took James Dutton's wagon train like three months to get out of Texas...and they started in Ft. Worth!
  7. in all honesty, once you accept that the majority of your countrymen want what is happening, it is easier to kind of...move beyond it. Americans are shitty. i fought that notion for a very long time, in my own heart and with others who embraced that perspective long ago. i've made arguments before about our innovation and arts and independent spirit and being a force for good in the world. but...the evidence overwhelmingly disputes what i thought and felt about what my country was. so okay. and i'll just roll with it on my downslope of life. my nature still prevents me from embracing the outright cruelty and repulsiveness of our 'new' America, but i can still appreciate some good schadenfreude, i do enjoy a good point-and-laugh and 'i told you so' moment and boy do we have a lot of those! 😆 every empire in history has fallen, most from hubris, and the most cruel and loathsome often fall the hardest. we're on our way, and i'm along for the ride bc chance and the universe and my own choices have put me in this exact place and time. which, on a very micro level, is pretty sweet. so okay...i'm just here so i don't get fined.
  8. yep. pretty much. i mean it's really, dramatically heart-breaking if you think about it too much. crushing almost. and we're only two months in. i focus on family, friends, nature, sunshine and puppies. lots and lots of puppies.
  9. well this whole country is rapidly turning into one big guano island, so yeah
  10. Black Bag. tight, smart, fast little story. had a definite Oceans 11 feel. Pierce Brosnan was excellent the short time he was onscreen. Cate is just stunning, getting better looking with age. she's my favorite actress! enjoyable watch.
  11. fat chance lol she didn't even mention the booing
  12. i have very conservative, very wealthy, very well-connected with upper-echelon-gop cousins, both UT and aggy grads, several of them. it's a family joke, really...with my marriage and political views, i'm the black sheep haha 🖕😊 anyway...one of them just took a family trip to Washington DC, their wife posting pics and how awesome it all was, and they finished with an evening at the Kennedy Center with JD Vance, 'so exciting!' just...gross 😝 😆
  13. ...prefaced with 'Turn out the Lights'
  14. mchookem


    oh god, troph. i'm so sorry.
  15. they all think they're when most of them are and Elon is
  16. you know what? fuck all you surly fuckers that are jacking off to this. insanity. you have literally destroyed this country and history will record it as such. i'm grateful i'm on the downslope of life. this country is going to be...i don't even know. i don't want to know. unrecognizable. i want to be gone. i'm even more grateful i have no children. ancillary children elsewhere in my family are enough of a worry. i've done my part to help equip them best i can for the future. some may remember...my niece had wanted to be a ranger or some other role with NPS, USFS, BLM, etc, it's what she studied for, and she graduated magna cum laude...in fucking December. 🤣🤣🤣🤬 so tragic it's funny. know what job she got instead? farmer! she's getting tf out of Texas this month and will be starting a job on an independent owner-operated community farm in another state! she's been expecting this bullsht since high school. some of GenZ have been preparing for this, the resilient ones will make it.
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