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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
  2. started my first rewatch tonight... they are both just so damn good. Rust Cohle is like...pitch perfect peak McConaughey lol. watching the first three episodes just makes me angry at S4. what a shitty association.
  3. it might depend on circumstances (like if he had a tendency to take a powder sometimes, like the guy from Into the Wild)... but generally speaking, i think not knowing anything would be much worse than eventually finding a body. i can't imagine how you would move on from them just poof, disappearing into thin air.
  4. well i'm convinced, i'm sure he's a great guy.
  5. line from Trevor Noah last night... one of them looks like he should be dead... the other one you wish would be dead.
  6. the people attacking higher education always seem to forget these same institutions managed to produce THEM.
  7. just kidding. maybe. lol. i dunno. it has its place. my experience is just that, mine. i was a feral child who became an unsupervised adolescent who became a pretty reckless young adult...but it all lead eventually to my 'now' which is not bad at all. at least that's how it looks to me from here. i know some people have a lot more unpleasant memories, surely plenty of them women. i really was just trying to offer another perspective altogether to reassure some posters, in the context of this group and this discussion.
  8. as a female who 1) drank a good amount in college, and 2) had plenty of sex in college, often after/while drinking, allow me to say that i do not look back on any of those instances and think 'i think i was sexually assaulted'. mostly, i look back on those days the same as y'all - fondly and with a healthy amount of cringe. the only time i felt disturbed in any way was a frat party (can't remember which, but one of the smaller ones), where i ended up separated from my friend, in an upstairs room and suddenly decided i did not want to be there anymore, and the 'gentleman' who had escorted me upstairs thought it would be a good time to play a game of 'block the door/keep her from leaving'. so whichever of you assholes that was, sorry-not sorry for kicking you in the balls and running.
  9. now see...this is when TYL is funny.
  10. @PenelopeWitherspoon i am sure the fried chicken will be one of our selections! i saw they also have a 'TexMex Duck Breast' which i cannot even imagine what that may be likeπŸ˜„ but that reminds me, i do have a question for you since you've visited Paris so much...we are going to be traveling around France for like 11 days, from one side to the other, and obviously i expect we will be eating a variety of delicious FRENCH cuisine. so since we are going to be eating so many 'french' meals, i thought it might be fun to try something different...and i'm actually really curious about french mexican food haha. not their version of TexMex, but like actual French-Mexican - have you tried any place like that, or do you have a recommendation? interestingly there seem to be quite a few mexican restaurants (not including things like Chipotle)...along with soul food, cajun, and bbq. i just think it's interesting to see what American cuisines end up over there besides the standard hamburger of course. anyway, i doubt we'll try any of those...but i am actually pretty curious what French-Mexican food might be like! πŸ™‚
  11. reminds me of a Bill Burr bit...something about knowing to put the adjective in the right place... ha, found it:
  12. me, too. but Trump is a giant stupid, malignant, shit-filled baby who can't handle a joke and so here we are, 10 years later. thanks, Obama.
  13. k i was moved to actually find some pics. these are mostly the last few years before we moved, but some are obviously older. i really got into hiking local parks during covid lol. i think this was a ksu game? not sure... but obviously we won 🀘 my backyard: my back: obviously: view out my office window last five years before i retired: shoal creek: Hoover's...before Mack lost the plot lol: and this is a 3-D printed map of Austin. friends got us one of Denver as a housewarming gift and i loved it so much i got one of Austin. they hang directly opposite each other in my dining room...
  14. haven't gotten through the whole thread yet, but wanted to say... i lived there for exactly 34 years (to the month). the vast majority of my life. i loved life there, i knew the city like the back of my hand, i never got sick of it, i had a front row seat watching it grow into a big, messy, crowded city around me and was still happy to live there, and i was very sad to leave it. if Austin wasn't in Texas, i would have stayed put forever. i tell everybody here that asks, "i broke up with Texas...but Austin is still my heart!" this thread almost made me cry lol 🧑🀘
  15. update... we're about 2 1/2 weeks out from departure, really getting excited now 😊, just working on final touches, reservations, etc. some changes...dad suddenly realized there's not much to see at the Eagle's NestπŸ˜‘ which i had already tried to convince him of, and @rage-a-holic had confirmed, but he had it set in his head (until he didn'tπŸ™„)... but i'd figured out how to make it work and had adjusted our schedule/lodging...and this week he calls and is like 'nah, let's skip it, it's in the opposite direction we need to go anyway' which...DUH, I TOLD YOU THAT A MONTH AGO! lol anyway...so now instead of Berchtsgaden we're heading to Garmisch-Partenkirchen for a few days. unfortunately the cogwheel train/cable cars to Zugspitze are closed for spring maintenance, but scheduled to reopen our last day...but that actually gives us a plenty of time then to visit Neuschwanstein Castle/ Hohenschwangau Castle and/or Linderhoff Palace, which is awesome. it also knocks over an hour off our drivetime to Strasbourg, also awesome. and hopefully we'll be able to ride to the top the morning before we leave, assuming Germany keeps the 'trains running on time', which is probably a bad pun re: Germany haha regarding Rome, i think we are going to take a slower-paced day trip to the coast, probably Ostia as @texasdago suggested. i've been reading up and i guess you can get a good look at the Colosseum without having to go inside - lots of areas to actually look into it, overlook it, etc., there don't seem to be any big barriers surrounding it, and there's just SO MANY other ancient ruins, piazzas, etc...plenty to see! we definitely have the Vatican/Sistine Chapel tickets already, which was what i really didn't want to miss, so the rest we're just going to play by ear. it seems the tourist crowds are already NOLA/LV levels, so i think we'll just end up getting out of the city a bit. family hasn't decided if they are going to stay a second night with us in Paris or go on to Luxembourg...but i'm trying to encourage them to also just play it by ear and call an audible once we get to the apartment in Paris. we'll have been traveling for almost two weeks at that point, so i'm hoping my sister will be a bit more relaxed by the time we get there and will want to hang out a bit 😊 finally...i've been the crazy lady riding her bike around Denver talking to herself in French for a few weeks now πŸ˜†but it's been a good way to practice, i.e., imaginary 'realistic' conversations lol. took a test today, figured i was A1, maybe A2 at the most...damn if i'm not B1! πŸ˜€ i've actually been practicing 'thinking in French' which really helps it be more natural/fluid. i know it's not really going to be necessary in Paris as i imagine they'll get one dose of my Tex-french accent and start talking in englishπŸ˜‹but we're going to be spending over a week traveling around the countryside and other places - Strasbourg, Normandie, Brittany - and it will come in handy there. the trick really is just being confident, i think it's okay to make slight gender or conjugation errors if you master the flow and accent (which in all seriousness, my accent is really pretty good). brushing up my language skills has actually been one of the more fun things in all this. i'll need to plan a trip to Montreal next πŸ˜„
  16. we're right at a month out from Paris! i'll be updating my thread shortly... man, your London pics are fantastic...and the food looks incredible, which is something i never thought i'd say about British food lol. looks like some different cuisines though. back to Paris...is it really horrible, or more just inconvenient, scaffolding, etc. around some big attractions (the tower, etc...Notre Dame i know is still undergoing repairs - i bet they are really trying to rush to finish before the start). made reservations at Lafayette's today, woohoo 😁
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