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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    I enjoyed Barbie but at no point did I think "Margot Robbie deserves an Oscar for this performance." 

    agreed...but i did have that thought re: Gosling. i came away feeling he absolutely stole the movie, but not intended as a slight to Robbie.  can't imagine another actor nailing that role so well. i don't really get the America Ferrara nod either...was that role really that impactful?? i mean not really, and any number of generic actresses could have been cast there. *shrug*


    1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    Hell, Gerwig SHOULD get nominated for making a movie about Barbie remotely interesting and entertaining. That was a hell of a trick.

    yeah... this is a pretty good point. i remember when word of the movie first came out and thinking 'um, okay' and assuming i would have zero interest in it... and then seeing the names associated with it and being all 'huh, well that's interesting!' Gerwig managed to produce something really funny and thought provoking, not to mention the cultural zeitgeist. BUT... she's nominated for that effort in the screenplay category, so there's that. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, immamac said:

    No…that’s just called having a friend who likes football. 

    i am this friend in a few friendships, not to the physical exclusion of their wives but definitely when it comes to discussion or argument (two of them are aggy lol). one wife is grateful her wife has someone else to engage with on the topic, one wife is amused and expresses things like 'man i wish i liked football so i could get excited like y'all!' and the third basically just says 'yeah, what he said!' to everything he says...despite being a Texas grad herself 😐 but she's like that about literally everything (follows his lead on all). anyways, the last is the only one where there sometimes feels some tension, especially when specifically discussing Texas/aggy stuff (sec move, jimbo, etc). thanks to surly i'm well-versed in aggy shenanigans, but when we get into it (good-naturedly of course) there's def a sense of her 'defending her man', again despite her being a Texas grad. i've learned to just roll my eyes 🙄

    17 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    So this basically sounds like old school French side pieces:  spouse kinda/explicitely know there’s another man/woman, choose to live with it as long as you keep it on the DL and don’t cross friend streams and don’t come home smelling like whore/dick?



    5 hours ago, troph said:

    Hell I did that in transition too. I went from a dick face to an all star partner, parent, etc. 

    your transition makes a lot more sense now, i would have done the same!

    1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Get a cool wife.  When you go to Miami or Vegas with the guys, there’s a lot of girls around and shit happens.  If you need to hide that, you have the wrong gal.  Also doesn’t mean you advertise it to your lady   

    If you feel like you love another bitch or fall for girls easily - or your actual wife sucks, then this probably won’t work.  

    And before someone makes a comment about being loaded for that arrangement, I’m 100% sure it helps, but I met my wife when I was still in school.  Never looked back.  Life is great. 

    The people that think a long term relationship will last with 3sums etc - LOL. 

    ChiTownDoc is married??




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  3. it's not like RDJr has been nominated as many times as Leo or Pacino or Paul Newman were before they finally won...i mean talk about 'bodies of work'! 

    Gosling and RDJr have both been nominated 3 times, including this year. i'm not necessarily saying Gosling deserves to win more, just that it wouldn't be a travesty if he did. he killed that role.

    and yes there is some irony that he's the one that got a nod lol. oh well...Hollywood's always been full of horses 🐎 😄


    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, safe sex said:

    Sure, but LGB isn't a "Biden isn't progressive enough" slogan. It has a very specific connotation of displeasure.

    correct, a very specific connotation. 

    also, not that it matters, but it's my bff's nephew, not mine. i'm the one with the anorexic, vegan, OCD, over-acheiving, strident Israel-protesting niece. 😆😜

  5. Leo and Margot both missed out, interesting.

    love that I'm Just Ken got a nod! 😆 though I don't see it beating Billie.

    Supporting Actor might be the strongest category. i called Deniro getting his third Oscar, he was incredible in a beneficent sociopath way. but RDJr was great as well and it just might be his turn...🤔

    having said that...Gosling absolutely stole the show and i would love if he took it 😆

    good year for movies imo.

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  6. here is a puzzle...my bff has a nephew in his 20s that transitioned in the last 5 years or so. he is very close to the extended family, at all family gatherings, etc. my bff's octogenarian parents remain very accepting and loving (as does the entire family) which in and of itself is wonderful and amazing. the nephew is also black (technically a 'step' nephew, grandson, etc), which i'm sure makes life even more challenging for him.

    the puzzle...over the holiday gatherings he was wearing a 'Let's Go Brandon' rubber wristband. 😐

    has the 'LGB' been ironically co-opted by the LGB-TQ community somehow? otherwise...i don't get it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Stringer said:

    LA Confidential - I saw this was on Netflix, so I popped it on.  From when I saw it in 1997, it was always one of my favorite movies and it still rules.  Immaculately made across the board; acting, directing, writing, music, production design.  An incredible movie.  Honestly, I think the weakest part of the movie is Basinger and she is the one who won the Oscar.  Oscars can be weird.  It was up for Best Picture against Titanic, Full Monty and Good Will Hunting.  Great year.  Unfortunately, the Netflix transfer is kind of shit and I don't think it's big enough of a movie to get that fixed.  

    LA Confidential is a masterpiece and is in my top 5 forever. a complicated story with lots of important characters laid out so well it's easily followed, beautifully shot and scored, perfect sets and costumes, and then the stellar acting on top. it feels like a real place and time. the only thing i hate is learning what a creep Spacey is bc i absolutely loved him in this. boo! 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. catching up now, we wanted to wait until all the eps were available before starting the season. 

    agree with above, the Diana saga and conclusion was tremendously well-done. i am not a royal-phile (or whatever you call it) in the slightest and her death barely registered with me at the time, but the show got me choked up about it. 

    i'll say the recasting of the princes despite no break in the timeline was totally jarring, especially Harry! he was still supposed to be 12 and he suddenly looked 18...weird choice, but maybe that was related to the strikes or something? *shrug*

    anyways... we're up to ep7, three to go... i'm assuming we'll get some 9/11* drama, and then didn't she lose her mother and sister at nearly the same time shortly after in 2002? that's got to be impactful.

    it's amusing how they are portraying Charles as such a forward thinker, open to change and encouraging modernity...and now the Brits all think he's too old and wish it was William. 


    *i chuckled when Blair responded to W's election with something like 'well i'll be the elder experienced one now and be able to steer him'...yeah, how'd that work out Tony? lol

  9. 8 hours ago, Duane Moore said:

    Great thread, just found and catching up. Key classification point is whether the movie depicted the current era while the generation in question was the audience (Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, Fast Times), or whether it came out in a later era and reflected the high school experience of an earlier generation (American Graffiti, Grease, Dazed and Confused). In both situations it speaks to the viewer’s experience, but one is speaking to teens at the time and the latter is playing on nostalgia for older viewers’ younger days.

    well stated. Dazed has been mentioned in this thread as GenX's movie, and it is...but as far as being one of the 'high school' movies for that generation, it misses with me. i was in college when it was released and first grade when it's set. 

    John Hughes hit the money spot again and again.

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