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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. i mean...if this could be spread far and wide to the maga universe with the message 'watch this to see how voting for Bobby can help get Trump back!' wouldn't that...be bad for Trump?
  2. IF YOU WANT TO ACTUALLY KEEP YOUR JOB...then yes, unequivocally and unquestionably, you accept it. IF YOU DON'T...well, you tell the company owner to go fuck himself and accept the consequences. 'reasonable and simple' have absolutely nothing to do with it. is it fair, is it just, is it right? is it hurtful, is it shitty, is it vindictive? completely irrelevant, all of it. even the folks in this thread who like and support you and think you are correct in your position are telling you this, including mr. sanctimonious 'everybody here is such a loser except me of course' jackass ^up there. i'm sorry, but that's literally how the world works.
  3. we were just discussing that with friends yesterday...he's actually kind of been really, really good at presidenting. even i have been surprised. we'll see if he gets re-elected how the second term goes... but he honestly might end up ranked higher than Obama. of course, his opponent party has been wearing their underwear on their head and eating their boogers the whole time, but still... he's done a damn good job all things considered.
  4. my second time making the NEISD recipe. used american and cheddar for filling instead of Velveeta. onions are under the chili layer, crisped up during baking. i think i said this the first time but i forgot... the recipe has a touch too much salt. i made note on my recipe card this time lol. anyways...these are sooo good and are the flavor we've been craving out here! 🤘
  5. i mean in general you live in the same deplorable basket as Sack but i broke my personal rule and pos-repped this because...yeah.
  6. just want to emphasize this. i almost posted something along these lines yesterday but decided to refrain...but yeah, sometimes i observe the drama or bitching that goes on and i'm just like wtf, as far as i know imma's not only doing this for free, it's actually costing him money, he's got a regular life, and job, and family, this is his spare time 'hobby' i assume, and it's pretty damn smoothly run all things considered. he has no analysts or QA/QC or testers, there are thousands of members, not to mention the organization of HHs, road trips, tailgates and NIL stuff in recent years...all ultimately to benefit the Texas Longhorns. and me, bc i love this community and frankly it's the only place that kept me out of a really deep, dark hole during covid. i do know he has help, but ultimately he voluntarily took on a pretty unwieldy and unthankful role. maybe he did it for the fame lol. but my reaction is often 'holy crap' at the amount of shit he puts up with. and i have made a point several times in the past to acknowledge and thank him for the efforts, exactly for the reasons you say, @Prepuce of Doom in this particular instance, while i honestly pay no attention to basketball, i am pretty familiar with the online melodrama and persecution complex often played out with the poster. more than once i have thought 'oh my gawd just shut up and get over it already!' 🙄 while also 😆 at the whole thing. and i actually drafted something yesterday expressing that in this thread but didn't post it, bc I just thought 'meh, dude obviously has some more serious issues, he probably shouldn't be on surly at all with his sensitivities' and decided not to. ultimately i don't have to put up with any of this, it's my choice and everybody else's to even be here. the owner can do as he pleases. i would be pretty distraught if i were banned (DON'T YOU DO IT!!)...but i'm pretty thick-skinned and also don't make a point of being a PITA to a guy that is basically just doing all of this for shits and giggles. 🤘
  7. oh gosh! well turns out 60 Minutes did a story on the sanctuary a few months ago! i missed it but saw it mentioned online...so very awesome...
  8. i read the whole thing. it took longer than 5 minutes. i'm having a lot of feelings about what i read, none of them good. i sincerely hope certain people from this story experience debilitating pain, anguish and loss in their lives, physical and emotional, and that it crushes their soul. unlikely, but i fervently wish it to happen. i am most definitely not Christ-like. so fuck them. RIP, Bubba.
  9. meanwhile out here at the foot of the Rockies...79 for a high today, i got a sunburn lol 🏔☀️😎
  10. i was gonna put this in the safari thread haha...probably better here. we visited the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg today, right at an hour NE of Denver. i'd found it online last summer but we finally visited today...i was contemplating making it one of my charitable orgs this year and wanted to actually check it out. 100% privately funded. it was pretty rad. way different and better than a zoo. every animal there is a rescue, and we saw pretty much everything - foxes, coyotes, wolves, lions, tigers, black bears, grizzlies, lynx, servals, snow leopards, mountain lions, panthers, jaguars, emus, ostrich, camels. Joe Exotic's 39 rescued tigers all live here now! 🐅 the elevated walkway is a unique way to view them, they don't pay any attention to 'up' (did not know that 😮) so they are oblivious to your presence...which makes them all super chill and comfortable. the facilities are huge and fantastically designed, they all have big underground dens. in the winter about 25 bald eagles nest there. i didn't take any pictures bc none of them would have turned out any good, a lot of flat, brown prairie shots with hidden animal shapes lol. but you still got a clear view of everything, some were hanging out right underneath you. it's a 3 mile round trip hike with lots of rest stops and refreshment facilities. def need hats, sunscreen, binoculars (they give you a free monocular with ticket). would recommend as something really different to do, especially if you have kids that love animals 👍
  11. yay - success with the Vatican/Sistine Chapel tickets!😀 first choice day was already sold out (i don't even know when that happened, sometime b/t 12-2am locally lol) but got lucky for the next day. next biggie...Colosseum tickets, can first try about 4 weeks from now.
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