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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. well thanks guys...ngl, y'alls feedback is making me think again, possibly differently 🤔 which...is why i asked! 


    lol 😊 appreciate the info and experience sharing, thanks!


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  2. i don't visit this thread because DAMMIT I'M NOT OLD and also i doubt any of y'all are discussing perimenopausal symptoms lol... but thought it might be a good place to ask...

    anybody have experience with cardiac ablation for afib? 

    in 2020 i started having intermittent bouts of afib that correlated with instances of high alcohol usage (i.e. parties and such) around my menstrual cycle. very likely hormone related (thus the perimenopause mention). it was inconsistent and i saw my pcp in Austin multiple times over about two years, with ekg, echo, etc...he could never detect it during those times. 

    then we moved to Denver and the altitude and continuing hormonal changes seems to have made it 'persistent'...i was hiking at about 9k last summer and suddenly realized i felt like i was literally gonna pass out. it was pretty scary...got a pcp here soon after and boom - persistent afib. no other health issues, just my heart freaking out.

    i barely drink anymore, and i'm still not fully menopausal (fuck this fucking bullshit, fuck! lol). 

    anyways...i had the cardioversion (hard 'reboot') back in November...lasted about three weeks, which is not actually abnormal. so now we're discussing ablasion.

    i'm feeling reluctant bc the thought of, like, burning shit and creating scar tissue on purpose inside my heart is kinda just freaking me out 😳 but i'm still pretty young...had a long meeting with cardiac specialist this week and went thru all the options... there are medications but there's longterm drawbacks there as well. and i just really don't want to be on any permanent meds at this point if i can help it...my mom had to carry around an index card front/back with all her meds so she could just remember them, and you can't convince me the toxic damage from some of that shit didn't contribute heavily to her demise.

    i dunno...my dad also has afib for like 10 years now and is basically just of 'live with it' mindset...but he's 76, not 53. 

    so that's more words than i intended, but basically i guess i'm asking if anybody has had their heart cauterized and how was it? 🤔😐

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  3. ok...so as Roy was looking through the 'dugout', whatever that was (looked like a tunnel to somewhere...)...there's a dead animal, a sheep? or dog?? and there was like a transparent demon face or something hovering over it for a few seconds, like in The Exorcist...y'all see that or did i hallucinate?? wtf


    i can't remember from S1, maybe since @Al_4_ISU just finished it you can recall...was there an obvious supernatural moment? 🤔 obviously we had the UFO in S2...i didn't watch S3-4 so don't know there, just wondering if maybe there's a small element in each season. 

  4. On 12/29/2023 at 2:44 PM, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    I loved the dance scene at the end.  Good for Barry K.


    On 12/30/2023 at 3:26 PM, austingirl said:


    I've always thought Barry K was such a weird-looking motherfucker so it was strange seeing him as a sort of playboy. I didn't love the movie (seemed like it was trying to be The Talented Mr. Ripley), but the acting was great and I was especially impressed by Jacob Elordi. IMO he's the weak link in the main Euphoria cast, but I thought he was really good in this. 

    yeah, suddenly seeing Barry...differently. heh. 😛 really liked this! love me some 'alt2k' music as well.

    On 12/31/2023 at 5:42 AM, BrazilHorn said:

    Imagine if “Talented Mr. Ripley” and “Parasite” had a baby. 

    great analogy. Ripley is on my top ten list, Damon's best work by a mile imo. 

    i wasn't spoiled at all and was kind of oblivious i guess lol, i didn't pick up on the predation until the sister scene, where i was like...whaaaa is happening, how'd he get so...dom?!? 😄😊

  5. On 5/12/2023 at 8:27 PM, Hornbeliever said:

    I have a sort of litmus test to see if my tastes line up with yours enough to listen to your advice out of a show.  S1 is one of the questions.  

    You don't love Breaking Bad as much as I do?  I get it.  

    But you don't like neither S1 or Deadwood?  We can stop convo rt now cuz I ain't listening to you.  Go jerk it to Twin Peaks.

    wait, i'm sorry, i just saw this... he doesn't like Deadwood?? i mean i've defended him in the chili wars bc my mate is from Cincinnati and i've learned to cook it and it's actually good if you can not think of it as traditional chili but more of a meat sauce dish...but fuck him if he doesn't appreciate the poetry that is Deadwood! cocksucker.


    anyways, looking forward to this. hmpf.

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