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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. well deserved.

    ftr i thought this was the first year post-covid where the 'movies' finally got their groove back. there were some really good movies for those of us looking for something other than superheroes and comic books. 😁

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  2. Tom wins the GG 👍 seems like the category was 80% Succession actors lol.


    ETA and Culkin wins actor! which is awesome and i was rooting for him bc i thought he killed it the last season. 


    EATA Sarah Snook wins... and they take best drama!

    no quibble from me, fucking loved this show and was really sad when it ended. outstanding tv... i'll rewatch again in a couple years and enjoy again. 

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  3. if you've been here a while, are a good poster, people enjoy your content and generally like you, mean old Penelope and the negger brigade shouldn't make a shit. but you also have to not be a big giant baby.

    if you haven't participated enough or earned enough posrep bc you suck and keep getting banned and have to start over, or generally make people dislike you, maybe quit being a shitty poster.


    tenor (11).gif

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  4. 1 hour ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    This.  I’m lucky I live in NYC.  If I still lived in Texas, my right to bodily autonomy would be gone.

    On the football thread, a lot of folks were denigrating The NY Times article without reading it, and I called them out on it.  The article was fair.  It’s not my fault that they decided to express idiotic opinions and cannot handle getting called out for it.  There was nothing remotely political about what I posted,  just calling out stupid in general. 

    yes but you're so mean

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  5. 1 hour ago, YChang said:

    My working theory is a lot of right leaning posters unconsciously harbor a modicum of shame but instead of working through it comes out in anger and willful desire to not think about it. 


    1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    My working theory is they are a bunch of bitchass snowflake pussies.  It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that. 




    also, i think the other blow up occurred in one of the other bowl game threads, maybe the Fiesta...

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  6. 1 hour ago, sidis said:

    clearly rex/porterhouse/whatever the fuck else.  no one else is a big enough douche to work so fucking hard at projecting such a pathetic caricature.

    this is very well put.

    yeah, the tone and specific words used are pretty identical to a back and forth i had with him a couple years ago. i can't always recognize our serial ragers but he def stands out.

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