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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. the UTAH team was subjected to this?? damn...look out LSU lol
  2. mchookem


    i mean bottom line it's just none of his fucking business! gotdammit. 😑
  3. somebody left the damn dog in the car?? assholes! ☹️
  4. thank god it's the middle of the night, i imagine that bridge is packed many other times of day. holy shit that's awful!
  5. same thing that's up with the catholic church and evangelical church and teachers and law enforcement and music industry... give people unquestioned power, trust, and influence over children and bad things tend to happen.
  6. i think if something happens and Trump ends up not running (whatever, could just be him actually afraid of losing and coming up with some excuse, or a conviction, death, whatever)... anyways, i think RFK Jr. would take up the MAGA mantel pretty seamlessly and step into their weird savior role. he'd probably reinvigorate them tbh. it's not like they have any actual convictions about anything, other than worship of a demagogue... something about following RFK Jr would give them that same dopamine hit πŸ€”
  7. i'm an ATJ fan, first saw him in Nocturnal Animals and he was absolutely fantastic. Bond would obviously be total opposite, but he's suave enough to pull it off. Cavill would be an easy pick, but i feel he's too buff or something
  8. 'drown it in the bathtub' and then bitch that it's dead. πŸ™„
  9. first sighting (for me) i so badly want this to be good, but it will probably suck lol
  10. buy tickets online beforehand i assume? with a tour? would anybody who's been recommend a guide? been working on our Paris leg. we are skipping the two biggest ticket items (Tour Eiffel, Louvre), i just don't want to spare the time mostly, and there are good substitutions. we'll do a mix of metro (bus mostly), walking and Uber (or taxi) throughout the day, i've scoped out routes and times. did i mention i was a 5 star trip planner? ☺️ one day we'll start with les jardins and plaza around the tower, get some touristy pics, move on pretty quick to Les Invalides...a much better place to spend several hours! work our way down to Jardin du Luxembourg, towards Latin Quarter. plan to have Catacombs tickets for sometime that day (they only go on sale 7 days before). optional: add Montparnasse at dusk, see the city from there with the tower in it btw, studying street view and pics...the whole Eiffel area reminds me of the national mall in Washington. i assume that is on purpose? man we were really close with the French for a while weren't we? i'll be looking for the Statue of Liberty too lol another day we'll start at Petit Palais and work our way down the river front...Musee L'Orangerie, Tulieres, Louvre plaza, Palais Royal...generally working our way towards Marais. optional: add Le Centre Pompidou which is open late. optional stuff is just if we're feeling like it. so other than a few hard targets (Les Invalides, Orangerie, Catacombs), a lot of our time will be just...strolling thru parks or neighborhoods, ha, which we enjoy and which i am anticipating is going to be fabulously in bloom this time of year! i dig architecture and gardens the most, and my mate tends to get impatient if we're in one spot for too long. so the days feel full but fairly slow-paced. a third day we will spend in Monmartre...we have a walking food tour in the morning and then will spend some of the afternoon kicking about that neighborhood. the tour includes lunch from the various shops we visit, fun! and of course our first day which will only be about 65%...just rest, check out our immediate neighborhood, then we have an evening dinner cruise. with a couple of exceptions (like Lafayette's) i'm not trying to go out of our way for any particular restaurant. there appear to be several within a few blocks of where we're staying in the 17th. i could maybe use recommendations in the Latin Quarter or Marais? otherwise i'm sure we'll stumble on something pretty good. πŸ™‚
  11. Bizarro Schitts Creek! where everyone is mean and horrible and stupid and you hate them all.
  12. i've always thought Harry was the more attractive prince, and definitely seemed more fun. that actually really doesn't look like Kate, but who knows.
  13. i don't know which loc is the original but we did find the La Loma downtown back before the holidays and it immediately jumped to the front of the line as far as Mexican food here goes! the homemade tortillas were a major score (sooo good!), the tortilla soup tastes very similar to Baby As in its prime, the crispy tacos and fajitas are absolutely fantastic. it's a bit pricey but most things here are. sadly...still no texmex enchiladas to be had πŸ˜’, but the margaritas are loaded so all in all we're pretty happy to have found it! 😁 i think we tried Yazoo's a while back and once again it was OK, not great, and not what we were craving. that's where i actually asked them if they could slice my brisket instead of chop it (seriously, that's what they do here, take beautiful slices of brisket and go ginsu on it, so strange!) and the guy looked panicked and actually said 'i don't think we have a knife big enough to do that', which...wut. lol. πŸ™„ anyways, i've added Post Oak to our list to try... we'll keep testing πŸ˜„
  14. i mean they still haven't accepted the last one. oh well.
  15. we go to Blue Island on Mondays sometimes bc they have $1 oyster night so it's better than the $3.50/$4 per oyster they normally charge. the oysters are from Long Island, they are tasty but boy they are tiny. i mean i miss this! and yeah, the best catfish, shrimp, gumbo, etc we've had here is def Pappadeaux, so there's that. funny story about AJ's...summer we first got here (2022) i was on a bbq mission and i found AJ's. we'd already tried several other bbq places and were severely disappointed (wtf is with serving de-boned chicken and chopped up brisket?? weirdos.) we walk in AJ's and i'm like 'well at least this place looks and smells right!' it was pretty good... i'd say the best we've found here, we've gone back a few times, but still not quite 'it'. fast-forward about a year and we start seeing it mentioned in a bunch of local media and social media posts...turns out AJ's was added to the Michelin guide for Denver lol. i felt proud for having found it on my own already haha. anyways i think i know the problem with bbq here...big outdoor smokers are prohibited by local clean air ordinances. even AJ's has an indoor smoker/grill with a giant hood over it. i think that's why none of it here can really nail it. our neighbors have a weekend place up in Estes and supposedly there's a bbq joint up there with a big smoker out back that they swear is the best bbq around, will give that a try this summer. i did try a bison rib at a joint up in Longmont, that was pretty fun/good 😊
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