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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. On 12/22/2023 at 1:26 AM, IKnowItsOver said:


    1. Ariana Grande

    2. Joe Biden

    3. Jack Nicholson

    4. Ozzy Osbourne

    5. Britney Spears

    6. Yoko Ono

    7. Robert De Niro

    8. Clint Eastwood

    9. Johnny Depp

    10. Celine Dion

    yeah, i feel like we are on the cusp of starting to lose literally some of the greatest actors that have ever lived... Hackman, Duval, Pacino, Freeman, Hoffman, Hopkins, TLJones... gonna be tough when they start dropping regularly 😕

  2. lol that was awesome 


    ETA actually kinda nostalgic, had me reliving my youth 😊 i was such a superfan! i used to go down to St. Ed's and watch practice, and got autographs at the scrimmages at Burger stadium. fun times!

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  3. 18 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    Who am I to judge the knowledge of these giants of Cajunhood? 

    But putting shrimp in your roux so far prior to adding in The Trinity  and additional stock and veggies just seems wrong. 

    Shrimp is one of the last things I ever add to a seafood gumbo.  Who needs a bunch of over-cooked rubbery shit in their gumbo?

    was literally scrolling to the bottom to say the same...cook shrimp in a roux and then also simmer for an hour?? 🤨 wtf lol

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  4. 5 hours ago, Crapinon said:

    This was in the game thread for GT vs UCF on Texags. I know we have a 1364 pages long thread about aggy, but at least it's all kept in one place for the purpose of laughing at them. They have to bitch about the great espin/tsip football conspiracy in threads to support one of their ex-players in a bowl game.   


    You must be a very young Aggie dad or have not lived in Texas long. The Texas ( As in State of Texas) political machine has driven t.u. football for years. See, that school in Austin is known for decades producing , journalism majors, lawyers, business majors , political science majors that have found the way to the public service arena known as old school, Texas politics.
    In comparison but few of those politicians have come from TAMU.
    The political machine in Texas has always assured, money, bias, exposure and special treatment for t.u. You don't have to look far to see the influence and corruption.
    Anybody that has been born and raised in Texas is well aware of this…. And not just Aggies. Speak to influential lawyers, businessmen, politicians from the other schools in Texas and you will find confirmation of the same.
    Also glance at the instances of movies, TV shows, etc that have showcased something t.u. (Like the instances of references to t.u.in the TV series "Friday Night Lights" or the movie that featured Tommy Lee Jones as a Texas Rangers taking care of t.u. Cheerleaders) just to give two examples of the bias due to journalists and liberal art grads of that place in Austin.
    The arrogance and entitlement of the grads and fan base does nothing but support the entire fact…, after all they commonly say " but we are Texas".
    How do you think they worked their way into the SEC? Why was it done so secretive by the SEC commissioner?
    Simple.., the old Texas political t.u. Mafia… it's alive and well….. everybody in the old Southwest Conference knew it (especially poor SMU after the political pressure was put on the Dallas Morning News to "expose" the story by the t.u. Politics machine. Everybody in the Big 12 knew it when the back room deal between t.u. And ESIpN were made on the Longhorn network…and soon everybody in the SEC will get to experience the same.
    Tonight's halftime special on t.u. was classic t.u. control propaganda by them and their minions at ESiPN.
    No special on Alabama, or Washington being "back" nope….all about the slobbering over t.u. … after all, the announcer himself said they are a "National Icon".
    So bless your little heart if you don't really no the truth.

    omg lol 😆 that's like the guy complaining about UT 'trash liberals' running Texas 😆



    ok, so this reminds me of a story i was contemplating sharing, but fuck it, they obviously don't care...a close friend is married to aggy. he has worked for UT for ~13 years, in a very typical aggy field, an important role in some big capital projects (i don't want to get too specific...not that it fucking matters, as will soon be evident)...

    he's always seemed more the antithesis of aggy (politics, lifestyle, laughing at the corps, etc)...except for football, which he goes full homer on.

    they've recently made a massive life change, saved up, quit their jobs (too young to actually retire) and have left the country to basically pull a Jules and 'walk the earth' (EU mostly).

    anyways...he gave no notice. left for 'vacation' as far as his boss/coworkers knew, and after two weeks sent an email from the other side of the world 'yeah, i'm not coming back, ever, fuck you very much'. 

    we were pretty stunned. i mean forget just the basics of torching career bridges (he obviously has no intentions of working again in his field)... when my friend told me that's what he did I was like "holy shit... did he really want to just give a giant 'fuck you' to UT??" and her answer was 'yep'. 

    i mean...tbh our generally impression of him and the kind of person he is took a serious hit. who does that shit, on purpose, with that intent??

    obviously aggy, that's who 🙄


    ETA i imagine he's unhappy with how the season progressed so really...


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  5. good lord does the panhandle STINK right now 😝

    i mean we've made this drive several dozen times... but this is by far the worst. there aren't even that many cows in the immediate vicinity...but from Texline through Childress, just passed thru wave after wave of god awful stank! 

    they obviously just cut hay around here, maybe they dump millions of gallons of fertilizer onto all these fields this time of year? dunno. but I can't imagine living here, ha!

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