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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mchookem

  1. we go to Blue Island on Mondays sometimes bc they have $1 oyster night so it's better than the $3.50/$4 per oyster they normally charge. the oysters are from Long Island, they are tasty but boy they are tiny. i mean i miss this! and yeah, the best catfish, shrimp, gumbo, etc we've had here is def Pappadeaux, so there's that. funny story about AJ's...summer we first got here (2022) i was on a bbq mission and i found AJ's. we'd already tried several other bbq places and were severely disappointed (wtf is with serving de-boned chicken and chopped up brisket?? weirdos.) we walk in AJ's and i'm like 'well at least this place looks and smells right!' it was pretty good... i'd say the best we've found here, we've gone back a few times, but still not quite 'it'. fast-forward about a year and we start seeing it mentioned in a bunch of local media and social media posts...turns out AJ's was added to the Michelin guide for Denver lol. i felt proud for having found it on my own already haha. anyways i think i know the problem with bbq here...big outdoor smokers are prohibited by local clean air ordinances. even AJ's has an indoor smoker/grill with a giant hood over it. i think that's why none of it here can really nail it. our neighbors have a weekend place up in Estes and supposedly there's a bbq joint up there with a big smoker out back that they swear is the best bbq around, will give that a try this summer. i did try a bison rib at a joint up in Longmont, that was pretty fun/good 😊
  2. i'm in Denver and while i also enjoy going to my neighborhood dispensary then traveling 20-30 minutes for some spectacular nature or even just riding my bike around the 800 miles of urban bike trails in an exceptional year round climate...but my god i miss texmex, bbq, and cajun seafood! there's good seafood here but it's at the level of Truluck's or Clark's or whatever... man i miss a dozen juicy gulf oysters with hush puppies and a shrimp poboy! and brisket with a fucking bark. and cheese enchiladas with chile con carne. my world-traveled French exchange student from a few years back (along with her Norwegian and Swedish friends) swore up and down that the best food they'd had in the world was in Texas. and those British Jolly guys on TikTok picked Black's bbq as the best thing they'd tasted in the world. literally. Texas food wins and it's not even questionable. but most everything else...meh.
  3. i mean this is just a fucking fantastic movie. just wow. the music is worthy of another Oscar. i bet this thing sweeps awards next year.
  4. what is that, an in memoriam for ants?? yeah, that's some bullshit.
  5. uh, yeah. i broke out my bike and have been grilling outside for almost a month now. nice fake out, Denver! about 18 inches so far, with another 6-8 hours steady snowfall tonight. definitely the biggest snow since we've been here... and it snowed a lot last winter. impressive!
  6. i haven't gotten a Texas flag but i did get this before we left Austin 🤘🧡
  7. Hair, Once Upon a Time in America, Smooth Talk (my personal fav), Deep End of the Ocean, 1941, Prince of the City, Devil's Own...i mean he was in quite a few movies. pretty glaring omission imo.
  8. are you hormonal? haha just kidding. enjoyed reading this and share some of the sentiment (except my family roots are deep east Texas).
  9. right?? like if they don't have any footage of him wandering around barefoot, how is everybody so sure he was? also that kid that disappeared in Nashville is 6'5" !! how big were the guys that managed to nab him?? 😳
  10. oh that is some gotdamn fucking BULLSHIT 🤬
  11. wait...i thought Paxton and Abbott managed to primary and upset a good number of supposed 'reasonable' republican incumbents in Texas, thus ensuring an even further lurch to the right?? and aren't Abbott's recent approval ratings in like the 60s or something? admittedly i'm not paying that much attention. because i escaped already lol.
  12. my mate is going on a fishing trip this week... so i just got a ticket to see it again in IMAX friday, oh yeah! trying to remember the last movie i saw more than once in a theater...i think it might have been Heat 🤔
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