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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. 13 hours ago, wutang75 said:

    I’ve sent that Weekend Update to so many people this morning. emoji23.png

    I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed that hard at SNL. Probably Stefon years ago.

    i just had a coughing fit from laughing so hard 🤣

  2. this thread has taken an interesting and informative turn, with some very constructive conversation. 

    just wanted to mention that, along with the complete absence of neg rep in the past few pages that is constantly whined about in CR... it's amazing the conversations that can happen when people have actual good faith discussion and don't just storm in with stupid hurr-durr troll bait idiocy 🙄

    congratulations! lol 😄

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. hmmm...well i'm not really sure, i've just been looking via Chase Travel, selecting Business Class in my searches, and Icelandair is usually in the top two or three choices 🤔 there are others but their prices do seem to be lower (which isn't always a good thing, i know) and since it always seems to be at the top i thought i'd ask 😊

  4. anybody have experience with Icelandair and/or airport? 🤔

    i hate flying with a passion but we're planning a family trip to Germany and France late spring, first time, so no choice there. due to my general airline hate and tendency to have claustrophobic reactions on any flight longer than about 5 hours, i've been banking Chase points for a while to be able to splurge on business class. Icelandair keeps coming up with multiple options, Denver>Frankfurt.

    i'm not a surly 1%er 😋 and our international travel has been limited to Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean, so European travel is all new ground.

    really...i just don't want to get served surstromming or be trapped with any other kind of fermented fish during food service 😝 😜

    should i just stick with United? 🤔

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