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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. i recently, for no specific reason, started rewatching Dallas. and when i say REwatching i mean i haven't watched since my 80s childhood 😁

    it's pretty fun! some of the storylines are a stretch but the acting is really good (Charlene Tilton excepted lol). i am mesmerized by Victoria Principal ❤️ i know a lot more about Texas than i did as a kid, especially politics (30 year career in public sector), so it's pretty fun getting into some of those stories. also, things like high-schooler Lucy getting it on with her half-uncle Ray who must be mid-30s at least...whoa! that storyline would be presented completely different nowadays!

    the late 70s to 80s fashion, cars, etc. is awesome.



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  2. 20 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I don't even know what the fuck this means.  I'll regret it, but whatever -- explain?

    he's thrilled that productive, educated, lifelong Texans like me, Beau Vine, hornian, and whoever else have fled/will be fleeing Texas to have a better life for us and our families where we aren't subjected to the leadership of crooks and cretins and their litany of regressive tax, education, health, environmental and social policies. or something. bc he's a fucking asshole.

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  3. wish i'd known how to get in touch with the Knox family... she could have come and stayed in my basement!


    and to Stassney's last point re: having to have difficult conversations...i quite literally just got off the phone with my niece, talking her off a ledge of fury bc she has been trying to get on birth control since the beginning of October, but due to some of her medical/physical history (eating disorder, no period since 16, etc) she hasn't yet been able to bc they want to do all kinds of tests first. which...okay, fine, it's her general health, but the consequence is it is impacting her relationship and ability to be intimate with her boyfriend bc she's stuck in Texas for at least another year and she's absolutely terrified of getting pregnant - see entire thread. 

    unintended consequences, yeah right 😡

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  4. 4 hours ago, locodos said:


    1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    Y'all are gonna love this story. One of my wife's friends has been staying with us off-and-on over the past 3-4 months as she extricates herself from a bad marriage. (Her husband is a decent enough former aggy Corps guy albeit a little on the strange side but he's got permanent brain damage from alcohol abuse that only became apparent just before their wedding. He's since fallen off the wagon in a big way, has taken two trips to rehab in the last 13 months, neither successful, as well as a drunken wreck in the neighborhood where he miraculously avoided a DWI. He's recently lost his sweet job with Morgan Stanley and is completely off the rails. I doubt he sees his 50th birthday. I think he's 47 or 48 now. He's got brain encephalopathy, etc.)

    At any rate, he wants to cook dinner for our friend last night. He's had a string of good sober days in a row and planned to go to a sober living situation tomorrow. Our friend suspects he's been drinking by his texts but goes over there anyway. Immediately after arriving, she knows he's drunk, does a 180 and leaves. He gets pissed and starts blowing up her phone with calls and texts. At one point, he says he's going to Uber to a pawn shop to buy a gun and shoot himself in the head. Friend calls Dallas PD to do a wellness check after he sends a picture of some countertop with a Ruger pistol case on it. (Turns out he was at Academy.) Cops go by and he's not there.

    FF to late in the evening and he calls me while I was showering for bed and follows up with four texts. Says he can't get ahold of her and asks me if I can just drop her by for a few mins so they can discuss something involving insurance. It's midnight, mind you. Not a fucking chance I'm doing that and I tell her. She again calls DPD, who goes by again. They wind up kicking in the back door and determine that he's fired at least one round inside the house and then jammed the gun by loading the clip/magazine backward.

    They take the gun and our friend's husband for a 72-hour psych hold at Parkland. However, they say he's free to retrieve the gun when he gets out of there and is 'normal' again.

    Long story short -- inebriated/troubled guy drives to Academy and purchases a handgun, which he brings home and discharges in his home all within a few hours. No telling what he's capable of in his agitated state, especially now that he seems to be realizing there's really zero chance our friend decides to go back to being his wife.

    i did not, in fact, love either of these stories.

    i think of other posters literally bragging about getting hard for their guns...

    my god we are a sick fucking country. 

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