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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. jfc

    i'm deep in Trump country, visiting my dad in NE Texas.

    he is 'no fan' of Trump, as he puts it. but he watches Fox non-stop, just has it on constantly in the background. 

    anyway, he's reachable...he hates all things Clinton with the hate of a thousand burning suns and says he would have voted for Sanders. i doubt it...but i used that as an opening to try and discuss Democratic options last night.

    he's a veteren and ALWAYS favors CiC with military experience.

    (sidenote: we had a giant screaming fight back in 2012 bc he was railing on Obama 'avoiding' military experience and i let loose a tirade about Romney's FOUR SONS who were eligible who all somehow avoided it as well... let's just say one of us stormed out of my house in anger, and it wasn't me).

    anyway...he had NO IDEA Pete was a veteran (or Tulsi for that matter). how is that even possible. fucking Fox. Pete drops that nugget literally daily. he was like 'really?? well i'll be...'

    anyway...i tried to talk up Sanders, Pete, and Amy. he asked about the latter two being 'more moderate' lol. didn't have anything terrible to say about any of them..except Biden, who he also hates.

    he might be reachable. not likely, but maybe. *sigh*


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  2. he's very, very tall.

    he's a very good actor. he hits emotional notes extremely well.

    i dug him as Kylo Ren,

    and he's sexy-ugly, which makes him unique in Hollywood (William Dafoe, Mick Jagger, Sean Penn are other examples, in case y'all don't know what sexy-ugly is lol). his height and his general alpha-male demeanor add to that. 

  3. 2 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

    He lies because, to the members of his cult, truth is subjective.  He merely utters whatever he wishes the truth to be, and the brainless automatons that support him accept it.  

    this is true and it terrifies me

  4. i mean, the basic problem is that Democratics as a whole just don't have the will or fortitude to go for the jugular.

    the occasional individual will throw a punch and land it, but they can't sustain it and you can tell their heart is not in it.

    meanwhile, Republicans stalking en masse all over the country like manifest destiny incarnate.

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