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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. i can't. i just can't, i lasted 4 minutes. .. so fucking gross, such MENDACITY. 

    my degree is in government, i've paid close attention for over 20 years, i have voted for every political party over the years. i think i'm about done.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Rabidhorn said:

    When are the music guests on SNL not horrible?

    over the decades i have actually 'discovered' a number of musical guests from SNL that i like and end up being a fan of...Gary Clark Jr, Sturgill Simpson, The 1975 and Anderson Pak come to mind most recently.

    but dude, that guy suuucked lol

    oh, the entire premise of every pizza delivery being a real life porn situation... that was LOL funny...'WHY ain't i making any damn money??' 😂

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  3. i don't know if football will go away, or if it needs to. i kind of think of it like other high risk hobbies/sports (skydiving, handgliding, base jumping) and professions (commercial fishing, law enforcement, logging, etc).

    the difference with football is obviously the the potential 'glory' and of course paycheck if you reach the highest level. 

    education is key - making sure those that choose it KNOW what the risks are, completely. and childhood...i could see getting to the point where tackle ball at lower levels is prohibited, where players themselves make an educated decision later in life whether they want to move to 'tackle' ball.

    but...i suspect there's also a good chance that many of these athletes, particularly those that came from poor families, where they may be the first and only chance to go to college and pull their family out of poverty, buy their mama a house finally...i bet a good number of those guys, even knowing the risk, would make the decision to do it anyway. i mean, those are different stories from the Jevans and Colts and Sams...

    they really are modern day gladiators. 

    i don't know if i'm articulating my point well enough...like, a kid looking at a lifetime of struggle...or hey, i'm really good at this, i can take this risk and possibly make a shit ton of money and lift my family out of poverty. or at the very least, get a good education and be the first in my family to attend college and have a good career.

    it's a tough call. i really think education is key and should be mandatory.

    maybe it already is? if so, then that kind of proves my point.


  4. 18 hours ago, HenryJames said:


    that reminds me of footage from a static camera that was somewhere in florida a couple years ago, on the coast when a hurricane made landfall, in the middle of the eye...mainly that you keep thinking 'it can't get worse' and it keeps getting worse...

    but damn that fire was fast. that's horrifying. if it's all moving that fast i don't see how Australia is going to have any vegetation left😲💔

  5. 36 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Remove the ideology, Biden and Bernie are practically cut from the same cloth.  Old career DC politicians with checkered pasts, some health issues, and unsuccessful presidential campaign bids.  They also both represented tiny states in the north east.

    i'm ready... just need to know if my refrain will be 'hell yeah im a centrist/moderate/corporate dem, let's do this!' or 'socialism, fuck yeah!"

    im down with either. no, seriously. 

  6. i'd be 100% on board with a Biden/Harris ticket.

    or Bernie/Klobuchar. or Warren/Castro. or Biden/Pete. or Yang/Moonbat. 

    or cabbage/dishrag. 

    improving on the current situation is pretty much guaranteed.

    I will vote my fav in the primary, and then go all-in on whomever. i'm going to be easy to please. 😎

  7. thanks. good idea, i'll suggest that. 

    found out today she got accepted to UNT honors college which has some pretty good financial aid tied to it.

    but she has a TTF so money doesn't have to be deciding factor. 

    i don't really know what 'commuter school' means as far as academics...i mean, i realize most of the students are from Houston...but so what? i could definitely see the campus atmosphere differences. 

    frankly, it's awesome she has such good choices 🙂

    i was leaning towards UH, but a UNT honors degree...eh, she'll do well wherever she goes. 

    i just wish she'd just applied to UT! 😜

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