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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mchookem

  1. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I have a problem with "issues" polling and decision-making.  Because they are about where a candidate SAYS he STANDS.  Fuck that.  A candidate's positions must be weighted based on character and trustworthiness.

    I mean, Trump said over and over how he loves cheap healthcare, better than we have now, and will protect your pre-existing conditions....but those are not just worthless words, they're the opposite of the truth.

    So, I don't care if a candidate tells me X, if that candidate is 100% unlikely to ever do X.

    The person matters more than the policies.  When you get up into a zone of decent, relatively trustworthy human beings, THEN you it makes sense to talk about policy differences.  But before that, you're engaging in an exercise of fantasy on par with "which supermodel would you most like to bang?"  Until there's a point in time when you actually have a CHANCE to hook up with a supermodel, it's all just an exercise in magical thinking.

    indeed. my voting history is all over the map and i finally realized that i vote primarily for the person, not a specific issue.

    i never voted for a Clinton until 2016, i voted for each Bush the first time, and Obama twice. 

    when anyone calls me a 'flaming liberal' i laugh. guess i am to the Trump cabal here 😁

    • Like 1
  2. Steyer 17

    Klobuchar 16

    Bloomberg-Buttigieg 15

    Biden 14

    Yang 11

    dammit. i am annoyed at both Steyer and Bloomberg buying their way into the race at the 11th hour and have no intention of voting* for either!

    anyways, i'm clearly not a far-left liberal. but i knew that 🙂


    *unless they win the nom. i would vote for a cabbage over DJT.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Literally all he knows to do is the opposite of Obama.  This is just sad.

    ...bc that one time Obama made fun of him at the Whitehouse Correspondents dinner. 

    that is literally why/how we got here

    • Like 2
  4. 39 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    UH is a commuter school.  Depending on her major, it may be a the best option. Houston companies recruit UH.

    UNT is a "better" college experience. Heard great things about Denton. Just not sure how much weight that degree carries or if that school is highly recruited by companies.

    that kinda matches my thoughts...UH might be a better college degree, but UNT would be a better college experience

  5. my niece didn't get into UT (didn't apply, i tried lol) but i would like to hear fellow UT grad thoughts...

    UNT or UH? 🤨

    accepted to both, good academic scholarship offers from both, she likes them both. 

    she's majoring in environmental science... 

    i feel like UH is the smarter choice, but am not completely sure, and she's on the fence and needs to pretty much decide now. anybody have/know a kid that went to UH? opinions on one vs. the other?  

  6. i guess this should feel momentous and historical...but it feels like it's just going to be a farce. the lines are so defined, everybody in the country knows what the outcome will be. 

    i know it needed to be done to make this mark on history. but other than that, what's the point? 

    • Like 1
  7. best actor is tough this year...Joaquin and Leo both killed it. i'd give the edge to Joaquin since he's never actually won, and he should have for The Master.

    best director also tight...i could see Tarantino just getting best screenplay again. 

    some quality films this year.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I should neg you.  Newt was 10X the man that any member of the Trump admin is.

    why don't you put her in charge?!



    no, i mean really... can we put a 9 year old girl in charge? please??

    • Like 4
  9. so conversing with one of the two aggy i'm close with last night...

    amazing moment of self awareness. discussing niece's college choice (unt or uh), i joked about how much she hated atm campus. 

    HE used the term diploma mill, talked about how it is probably negatively impacting the students/education. seemed a little bothered by it...

    but then basically said being a diploma mill, creating as many aggy as possible... that tactic is to just increase the aggy network so that getting jobs is easier for them. as in, that's the specific purpose of becoming a diploma mill. and he's not wrong, at least in state leadership which is what i'm familiar with - state agency leadership is rife with aggy. i assume some private sector industries are similar...

    so in a way...it's working. i hadn't really thought of it like that explicitly... he seemed resigned to it, like who cares if the actual atm education is high quality, they are basically guaranteed jobs 'in the family' regardless.😐

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    Presser is showing in our break areas at work. Closed captioning only on the monitors so I couldn't hear him mangle the English language.

    As I walked past I saw a colleague I'm meeting with this afternoon. She had tears in her eyes while watching the TV. I asked her if everything was ok. She said "I just get so emotional when our president speaks. He is sacrificing so much for us."

    I know there are 63 million idiots out there, but I'm still stunned when I find one in the wild.

    this story puts tears in my eyes

  11. at first i was just 'oh, it was not bad', but it's been a week and i'm still thinking about it, and i kinda want to see it again. there were several parts that got me in my feels, i felt traces of the excitement from my youth. i get the critiques... but for me the good/nostalgic far outweighs the bad/questionable

    Kylo/Rae bits were the best by far. i really dug Adam Driver in this role. 

    his SNL Undercover Boss skit was the funniest thing they've done in years. 

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